Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Dec. 28/2016

Can’t Have a Dog or Cat? 5 Pets to Consider Adopting

Bunnies are generally cuddly, friendly, & adorable...Bunnies often bond closely with their owners, recognize their owners’ voices, & will come on command, writes Dr. Laurie Hess, who specializes in treating exotic animals...They are usually quite clean & trainable & should live indoors but spend a couple hours outside each day so they can be exposed to sunlight... Rabbits may live a long time- 8 to 12 years or more...

Guinea Pigs
...Caring for a guinea pig properly & feeding him well helps him stay hardy & healthy, writes Dr. Hess. Guinea pigs are best kept indoors & need clean water, hay, fresh vegetables, & food pellets to ensure they get the vitamin C they need daily...These typically friendly pets... can live 5 to 7 years &, like bunnies, they can have a lot of personality...
...hedgehogs aren’t for everyone, but if you’re willing to spend quality time interacting with & socializing one, he will hopefully reward you by bonding with you & responding to your voice & presence...hedgehogs are prickly so you have to be careful about how & when you pick them up. These guys curl up into a tight little ball when they’re scared.

Owners need to handle them gently & often to help them to relax & uncurl, showing off their tiny faces... Hedgehogs are night owls... They vocalize with grunts, squeals, snorts, & snuffling sounds...
...Many ferrets are snuggly, playful, & entertaining members of the family & can be wonderful for people who have the time to get them out of their cages each day & interact with them...Ferrets like to dig & chew on everything, & they have a habit of hiding items in secret locations. Many ferret owners end up getting more than one of these social little animals to ensure their pet has a buddy...
...Birds like parrots, canaries, & finches tend to be beautiful & very intelligent. Owning one of these birds requires a lot of time & cares...Many birds like to chew on whatever they can find, & medium-to-large sized birds need to spend at least a couple of hours outside of their cages each day while being supervised & interacting with their owners... birds can make wonderful pets — some of whom can live for dozens of years."

Amy Sinatra Ayres  (
May 6/2016

Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

Sweet Ted RIP

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