Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Oct. 26/2016

5 Amazing Animals That Glow in the Dark

 “ are only a handful of the hundreds of incredible glow-in-the dark animals out there.

 1. Swell shark
The world of the Pacific Ocean’s swell shark looks very different from ours. While humans see in 3 colors — red, green & blue – descending into the deep ocean cuts out all but blue darkness...Swell sharks are among the few bioluminescent sharks that turn themselves green to be seen...

2. Vampire squid
Contrary to its name, the vampire squid is actually an ancient form of deep-sea cephalopod. The creature lives more than 600 feet below the ocean’s surface & squirts a glow-in-the dark mucous, instead of ink, when threatened...

3. Hawksbill Sea Turtle

Last year, scientists diving around the Solomon Islands came across an endangered Hawksbill sea turtle glowing neon green & red. As National Geographic notes, the turtle was the first reptile ever found with the ‘ability to reflect the blue light hitting a surface & re-emit it as a different color.’...

4. Glowing cockroach
...While luminescence is rare in land animals, more than a dozen beetles glow, including this lit-up cockroach. Luchihormetica luckae was collected more than 70 years ago near Ecuador volcano Tungurahua. In 2013, scientists listed the roach among their top newly discovered species...

5. Glowworm
The glowworm’s other commonly used name — fungus gnat — betrays the beauty that these insects create in New Zealand caves. Because adult glowworms don’t have digestive systems — &, thus, can’t eat — they only live for a few days. Meanwhile, larvae emit a light & use silk  ‘fishing lines’ to capture insects to feed upon.”

Emily Zak
April 28/ 2016

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle

Happy Howl'oween!

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