Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Nov. 30/2016

Penguin the Magpie Helps a Family Heal

“A tragic accident in 2013 led to the dreaded diagnosis: “She’ll never walk again.” Sam Bloom was left paralyzed after a fall from a balcony in Thailand.

Bloom & her family were devastated...

But then the Blooms stumbled upon Penguin.

Sam’s son Noah discovered the Australian magpie chick on his grandmother’s lawn... the family surmised that the wind blew Penguin from her nest. Without question, they took her in. It was to be a temporary arrangement.

Penguin grew strong from attentive care that included hand-feeding. When she became old enough to fly, the Blooms made no effort to contain Penguin. She was free to come & go as she wished...

But Penguin decided to stick around. She became a regular presence at meals & playtime — just another family member.

Penguin often nuzzles up to the boys in bed, playfully tugging a strand of hair or doling out “love bites.” And she’s not above naughty bird antics like stealing a snack from the kitchen.

...With each new joy brought on by the magpie’s curiosity, Sam’s spirits seemed to brighten. Her husband Cameron explains, “Penguin saved our family too.”

He tells Business Insider Australia, “She’s a great companion for Sam. Penguin was trying to find her feet & Sam was going through a deep depression. They both were broken. It created a nice bond.”

But that’s not to say Penguin or Sam have lost their independence. Sam, fit & active before the accident, has now taken up kayaking...

The Bloom family plans to publish a book this spring – “Penguin Bloom: The Odd Little Bird Who Saved a Family” – chronicling their time with Penguin. A portion of the proceeds will go to SpinalCure Australia to fund spinal cord injury research.”

Joanna Parkman
March 16/ 2016

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle

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