Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Dec. 30/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
 12 Wins for Wildlife YOU Made Possible in 2015
(from Friends of Wildlife- National Wildlife Federation)

“...Win #1 WILD BISON: A Prairie Homecoming Decades in the Making...Earlier this year, over 60 genetically pure Yellowstone bison were restored to open lands in Nebraska. These restorations add to the 195 wild bison transferred over the past few years in Montana to Fort Peck Indian Reservation, & 34 more bison brought to Fort Belknap Reservation.
WIN #2 DOLPHINS: Winning the Gulf Restoration Funding They Need & Deserve 
5 years & 2 months after the devastating Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster, the Justice Department & the 5 Gulf states announced... that they had reached an $18.7 billion settlement with BP to help restore the Gulf... 

WIN #3 MOOSE: New Hope for Wildlife with New Energy Plan...In August, President Obama released the final Clean Power Plan, the first ever rules designed to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, which emit 40% of the nation’s carbon emissions...

WIN #4 MONARCH BUTTERFLIES: Habitat Restoration Efforts Move Gains Steam 
Working to reverse the dramatic decline of monarch butterflies, your support helped us partner with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service & our affiliates to plant & help protect milkweed in areas along the monarch’s migratory route...
WIN #5 MOUNTAIN LION: Plans for World’s Largest Wildlife Bridge Moves Forward
... the National Wildlife Federation is leading the charge for a safe wildlife crossing in the hills outside Los September, the state of California unveiled plans for a 165-foot wide bridge that would span all 10 lanes of Highway 101 in Agoura Hills. 

When built, it will be the biggest wildlife crossing in the world!

WIN #6 RIVER OTTER: Historic Day for Protecting Wetland & Stream Habitat 
River otters make their homes near waterways &...after many years of advocacy work... we were thrilled to stand with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy as she signed the new Clean Water Rule, which restored protections for more than 2 million miles of streams & millions of acres of wetlands...

WIN #7 BLUE CRAB: Plan Approved to Take Pollutants Out of Chesapeake Bay Waters...In July, a federal court of appeals upheld the historic cleanup plan for the Chesapeake Bay...The plan aims to cut nutrient & sediment pollution entering our waters by 2025...

WIN #8 MOUNTAIN GOAT: Wilderness Areas Receive Federal Protection...In February, President Obama named Colorado’s stunning 22,000 acres of Browns Canyon America’s newest national monument, a designation that affords forever protection.
And in August, the president signed “The Sawtooth National Recreation Area & Jerry Peak Wilderness Additions Act,” permanently safeguarding 275,665 acres of wildlife-rich areas in central Idaho...

WIN #9 HUMMINGBIRDS: Thousands of Acres of NEW Wildlife Habitat
...Certified Wildlife Habitats grew by by almost 10,000 this year! When families & businesses become certified, they restore habitat by providing food, water, cover & a place for wildlife – like hummingbirds – to raise their young...
WIN #10 GRIZZLY BEAR: Surpassing 1 Million Acres of Safe Habitat near Yellowstone 

...In January, through our Adopt-a-Wildlife Acre program...the 22,000-acre Upper Gros Ventre cattle allotment, located south of Yellowstone near Jackson, Wyoming, was turned into a safe haven for grizzlies & gray wolves....In a little over a decade, this wildly successful program has secured over 1 million acres of safe habitat for wildlife on public lands.
WIN #11 TREES FOR WILDLIFE: Native Trees Planted, Longleaf Pine Forests Get a Boost
...the National Wildlife Federation supports community & education groups to plant thousands of native trees each year to help restore habitat for wildlife. In 2015, almost 30,000 native trees were planted!...

WIN #12 CARIBOU: Keystone XL Pipeline Denied! Huge Threat Removed From Boreal Forest Habitat 
Millions spoke up against long odds to demand a better future for wildlife, & on November 6th, President Obama rejected the ill-conceived Keystone XL pipeline...”

Collin O'Mara
Dec. 11/2015

Cute Critter Pic:
Weekly Chuckle:


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