Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dec. 2/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
 Jon & Tracey Stewart Are About To Save SO MANY Animals
 “...Jon & Tracey Stewart's dream of a sanctuary for abused animals, roadside orphans & factory-farm refugees found a friend this week.

Farm Sanctuary, a stalwart for animal rights for decades, is partnering with the Stewarts to turn their 12-acre farm in Middletown, New Jersey, into a haven for downtrodden creatures.

‘We bought a farm in New Jersey, with the intention of starting a farm sanctuary of our own," Tracey Stewart said...

Farm Sanctuary currently has a trio of animal havens: a 175-acre affair in upstate New York, 300 acres of pasture in northern California, & a shelter in southern California that's home to about 100 animals...

The former "Daily Show" host & his wife unveiled their plans to turn their farm into a sprawling haven for animals last April.

But this new partnership means their farm, named after a small sea duck, is about to get a lot busier. So far, there are just 4 inhabitants — all of them pigs...

Those pigs, Anna & Maybelle, have since rounded into a healthy, happy shape at Bufflehead. They even star on their own Facebook page called, wait for it, The Daily Squeal...

The Stewarts have long been been bringing public attention to the plight of animals... as host of the "Daily Show," Jon poured public scorn on New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for refusing to ban the use of pig gestation crates in the state.

Earlier this year, Farm Sanctuary named a pair of rescued sheep Jon & Tracey...

And Jon (the human) may also have just recently renounced eating meat.

‘He's nervous about saying it publicly because he doesn't want to mess up," Tracey told the New York Times."But he really is trying to figure out what vegetarian food he likes & I'm helping him with that.’...

An outspoken animal activist & former veterinary technician, Tracey has literally written the book on how to treat animals with love & respect.

The book was hailed by no less than the likes of Jane Goodall as a ‘hugely important’ step in understanding the animal world...”

Christian Cotroneo
Oct. 26/ 2015

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle

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