Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Dec. 23/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
5 Reasons Farm Animals Were Grateful in 2015

“ on to learn about 5 happy moments for farm animals in 2015:

1. A Teen & His Pig’s Epic Friendship
Bruno Barba... was... an ordinary... student in Fullerton High School’s Future Farmers of America... program until he met & raised Lola for a few months. Their bond was so strong
that Bruno thought of everything he could do to rescue Lola... so he reached out to Farm Sanctuary... Lola was one of the lucky ones & she got her forever home...Bruno... changed his eating habits & got his mother to change her habits too...

2. Animal Activist Shows Compassion Isn’t a CrimeWhen a video of Anita Krajnc, co-founder & organizer of the Toronto “Save” vigils, documentary filmmaker & journalist, & a pig transport driver went viral, Anita found herself at the center of a much-needed debate: the problems of live animal transport...her passion & dedication at weekly vigils are hard to ignore... I’m sure the animals are grateful for Anita’s activism working to raise awareness of their plight. 

3. From Cattle Rancher’s Wife to Vegan Farm Sanctuary Operator
...Renee King-Sonnen... went from a city singer-songwriter girl to a cattle rancher’s wife to a passionate vegan farm sanctuary (Rowdy Girl Sanctuary) operator...she’s given birth to a farm sanctuary in Texas & found her life’s purpose.

4. The Numbers Show We Care About Farm Animals
...A Gallup poll published...this year says that 32% of Americans said they believe animals should be given the same rights as people & 63% believe animals deserve protection from harm & exploitation... 54% said they were “Very/Somewhat Concerned” about livestock & other animals raised for food, while 26% said they were “Very Concerned” about farm animals.

...USDA figures from 2007- 2014 show that we’ve killed 400 million fewer animals for meat consumption...almost a 5% reduction...
5. Big Guys are Listening
Lawmakers & for-profit companies are paying attention... McDonald’s is... committing to offer organic burgers, not purchase chickens raised with antibiotics & serve only cage-free eggs in 16,000
North American restaurants by 2025...” 

Jessica Ramos
November 27/2015

Cute Christmas Critter Pics

Weekly Chuckle

Merry Christmas!


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