Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Dec. 30/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
 12 Wins for Wildlife YOU Made Possible in 2015
(from Friends of Wildlife- National Wildlife Federation)

“...Win #1 WILD BISON: A Prairie Homecoming Decades in the Making...Earlier this year, over 60 genetically pure Yellowstone bison were restored to open lands in Nebraska. These restorations add to the 195 wild bison transferred over the past few years in Montana to Fort Peck Indian Reservation, & 34 more bison brought to Fort Belknap Reservation.
WIN #2 DOLPHINS: Winning the Gulf Restoration Funding They Need & Deserve 
5 years & 2 months after the devastating Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster, the Justice Department & the 5 Gulf states announced... that they had reached an $18.7 billion settlement with BP to help restore the Gulf... 

WIN #3 MOOSE: New Hope for Wildlife with New Energy Plan...In August, President Obama released the final Clean Power Plan, the first ever rules designed to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, which emit 40% of the nation’s carbon emissions...

WIN #4 MONARCH BUTTERFLIES: Habitat Restoration Efforts Move Gains Steam 
Working to reverse the dramatic decline of monarch butterflies, your support helped us partner with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service & our affiliates to plant & help protect milkweed in areas along the monarch’s migratory route...
WIN #5 MOUNTAIN LION: Plans for World’s Largest Wildlife Bridge Moves Forward
... the National Wildlife Federation is leading the charge for a safe wildlife crossing in the hills outside Los September, the state of California unveiled plans for a 165-foot wide bridge that would span all 10 lanes of Highway 101 in Agoura Hills. 

When built, it will be the biggest wildlife crossing in the world!

WIN #6 RIVER OTTER: Historic Day for Protecting Wetland & Stream Habitat 
River otters make their homes near waterways &...after many years of advocacy work... we were thrilled to stand with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy as she signed the new Clean Water Rule, which restored protections for more than 2 million miles of streams & millions of acres of wetlands...

WIN #7 BLUE CRAB: Plan Approved to Take Pollutants Out of Chesapeake Bay Waters...In July, a federal court of appeals upheld the historic cleanup plan for the Chesapeake Bay...The plan aims to cut nutrient & sediment pollution entering our waters by 2025...

WIN #8 MOUNTAIN GOAT: Wilderness Areas Receive Federal Protection...In February, President Obama named Colorado’s stunning 22,000 acres of Browns Canyon America’s newest national monument, a designation that affords forever protection.
And in August, the president signed “The Sawtooth National Recreation Area & Jerry Peak Wilderness Additions Act,” permanently safeguarding 275,665 acres of wildlife-rich areas in central Idaho...

WIN #9 HUMMINGBIRDS: Thousands of Acres of NEW Wildlife Habitat
...Certified Wildlife Habitats grew by by almost 10,000 this year! When families & businesses become certified, they restore habitat by providing food, water, cover & a place for wildlife – like hummingbirds – to raise their young...
WIN #10 GRIZZLY BEAR: Surpassing 1 Million Acres of Safe Habitat near Yellowstone 

...In January, through our Adopt-a-Wildlife Acre program...the 22,000-acre Upper Gros Ventre cattle allotment, located south of Yellowstone near Jackson, Wyoming, was turned into a safe haven for grizzlies & gray wolves....In a little over a decade, this wildly successful program has secured over 1 million acres of safe habitat for wildlife on public lands.
WIN #11 TREES FOR WILDLIFE: Native Trees Planted, Longleaf Pine Forests Get a Boost
...the National Wildlife Federation supports community & education groups to plant thousands of native trees each year to help restore habitat for wildlife. In 2015, almost 30,000 native trees were planted!...

WIN #12 CARIBOU: Keystone XL Pipeline Denied! Huge Threat Removed From Boreal Forest Habitat 
Millions spoke up against long odds to demand a better future for wildlife, & on November 6th, President Obama rejected the ill-conceived Keystone XL pipeline...”

Collin O'Mara
Dec. 11/2015

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Weekly Chuckle:


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Dec. 23/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
5 Reasons Farm Animals Were Grateful in 2015

“ on to learn about 5 happy moments for farm animals in 2015:

1. A Teen & His Pig’s Epic Friendship
Bruno Barba... was... an ordinary... student in Fullerton High School’s Future Farmers of America... program until he met & raised Lola for a few months. Their bond was so strong
that Bruno thought of everything he could do to rescue Lola... so he reached out to Farm Sanctuary... Lola was one of the lucky ones & she got her forever home...Bruno... changed his eating habits & got his mother to change her habits too...

2. Animal Activist Shows Compassion Isn’t a CrimeWhen a video of Anita Krajnc, co-founder & organizer of the Toronto “Save” vigils, documentary filmmaker & journalist, & a pig transport driver went viral, Anita found herself at the center of a much-needed debate: the problems of live animal transport...her passion & dedication at weekly vigils are hard to ignore... I’m sure the animals are grateful for Anita’s activism working to raise awareness of their plight. 

3. From Cattle Rancher’s Wife to Vegan Farm Sanctuary Operator
...Renee King-Sonnen... went from a city singer-songwriter girl to a cattle rancher’s wife to a passionate vegan farm sanctuary (Rowdy Girl Sanctuary) operator...she’s given birth to a farm sanctuary in Texas & found her life’s purpose.

4. The Numbers Show We Care About Farm Animals
...A Gallup poll published...this year says that 32% of Americans said they believe animals should be given the same rights as people & 63% believe animals deserve protection from harm & exploitation... 54% said they were “Very/Somewhat Concerned” about livestock & other animals raised for food, while 26% said they were “Very Concerned” about farm animals.

...USDA figures from 2007- 2014 show that we’ve killed 400 million fewer animals for meat consumption...almost a 5% reduction...
5. Big Guys are Listening
Lawmakers & for-profit companies are paying attention... McDonald’s is... committing to offer organic burgers, not purchase chickens raised with antibiotics & serve only cage-free eggs in 16,000
North American restaurants by 2025...” 

Jessica Ramos
November 27/2015

Cute Christmas Critter Pics

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Merry Christmas!


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Dec. 16/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
 Rhino to be taken 16,000km to safety

 “The last Sumatran rhino in the Western Hemisphere began a journey...from the Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio to its ancestral southeast Asian homeland on a mission to help preserve the critically endangered species. The 8 yr. old male, Harapan, will make an air, land, & sea trip of more than 16,000 km. Including stops, the journey is expected to take some 50 hours before the rhino reaches an Indonesian sanctuary. Conservationists hope Harapan can mate with 1 or more of the 3 females in the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary in Way Kambas National Park.”

The Montreal Gazette
Oct. 31/2015

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Wednesday, December 9, 2015


(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
Quebec Adopts New Animal Law 

     "The National Assembly unanimously adopted...Bill 54 on animal protection, a law that redefines the animal as 'sentient'. Agriculture Minister Pierre Paradis hopes the new law helps Quebec move from being one of the more lax jurisdictions in North America in terms of rules on animal welfare to one of the most strict...Earlier this year, Paradis said he was inspired by Manitoba, Ontario, & B.C., which have the strictest laws for animal protection in the country. The bill stated that animals are not 'goods' but 'sentiment beings' who 'have biological imperatives'."

The Montreal Gazette  
Dec. 6/2015 
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Weekly Chuckle
Nan Dec. 7/2015


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dec. 2/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
 Jon & Tracey Stewart Are About To Save SO MANY Animals
 “...Jon & Tracey Stewart's dream of a sanctuary for abused animals, roadside orphans & factory-farm refugees found a friend this week.

Farm Sanctuary, a stalwart for animal rights for decades, is partnering with the Stewarts to turn their 12-acre farm in Middletown, New Jersey, into a haven for downtrodden creatures.

‘We bought a farm in New Jersey, with the intention of starting a farm sanctuary of our own," Tracey Stewart said...

Farm Sanctuary currently has a trio of animal havens: a 175-acre affair in upstate New York, 300 acres of pasture in northern California, & a shelter in southern California that's home to about 100 animals...

The former "Daily Show" host & his wife unveiled their plans to turn their farm into a sprawling haven for animals last April.

But this new partnership means their farm, named after a small sea duck, is about to get a lot busier. So far, there are just 4 inhabitants — all of them pigs...

Those pigs, Anna & Maybelle, have since rounded into a healthy, happy shape at Bufflehead. They even star on their own Facebook page called, wait for it, The Daily Squeal...

The Stewarts have long been been bringing public attention to the plight of animals... as host of the "Daily Show," Jon poured public scorn on New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for refusing to ban the use of pig gestation crates in the state.

Earlier this year, Farm Sanctuary named a pair of rescued sheep Jon & Tracey...

And Jon (the human) may also have just recently renounced eating meat.

‘He's nervous about saying it publicly because he doesn't want to mess up," Tracey told the New York Times."But he really is trying to figure out what vegetarian food he likes & I'm helping him with that.’...

An outspoken animal activist & former veterinary technician, Tracey has literally written the book on how to treat animals with love & respect.

The book was hailed by no less than the likes of Jane Goodall as a ‘hugely important’ step in understanding the animal world...”

Christian Cotroneo
Oct. 26/ 2015

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Weekly Chuckle

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Nov. 25/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
 Crazy Facts About Turkeys

     “When you think about it, the turkey is a crazy-looking bird...

    Wild turkeys are native to & found only in North America... Benjamin Franklin thought that the turkey would better represent the United States than the eagle, which he called a ‘bird of bad moral character’.

Male turkeys are called ‘gobblers’, after the sound they use to attract females, called ‘hens’.
    Turkeys have sharp spurs on their legs for fighting. Spur length is a good way to tell a turkey’s age...

    A running wild turkey can reach a speed of 25 mph, & it can fly up to 55 mph...

When tracking a wild turkey, you can tell the bird’s sex by its poop. Male-produced droppings are spiral-shaped, while a female’s poop is J-shaped.

     Although we associate ‘gobble’ with turkeys, only males make that sound most often durin
g spring mating season. Otherwise, turkeys yelp, cluck, cackle, & purr when they’re content.

Baby turkeys hatch with feathers, able to run & feed themselves.”

Lisa Kaplan Gordon
November 10, 2015    

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Weekly Chuckle

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Nov. 18/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
 Here’s The Scoop on Fanny’s Top 5 Pet Hotels
      “Rochelle Lash is taking a...hiatus. In her absence, Fanny, a golden retriever & occasional travel companion, has filed this column on her favorite resorts with perks for pooches.
 I’m a party girl: The Essex Resort & Spa, just north of Burlington, Vt., has a Bone Appetit year- round special...The Essex is a country-style getaway with a full-service spa, 2 restaurants, a fitness centre, the Cook Academy, indoor & outdoor swimming pools, & tennis... 

Princess Fanny: A little futher south, Topnotch Resort in Stowe treats dogs like royalty. 
This is a luxurious resort for the well-bred Westmount-Westminster crowd, where I can strut my Fur-Sache fashions & my Sniff-Any jeweled collar. topnotch concierge Carol Crawford writes welcome notes to doggie divas 7 can set up the ultimate treat: a paws-itively divine Rover Reiki massage in my luxurious guest room...

Going to the dogs: True equality flourishes at the season’s end when Fanny & friends rule the swimming pools at mutt-friendly resorts in Maine.             
Canines are Very Important Pets at the 101- year- old Colony Hotel in Kennebunkport...            The gorgeous Inn by the Sea on the Atlantic Ocean, south of Portland, takes canine coddling to the next level by fostering rescue dogs. Best of all, during the last 2 weeks of October, the beach-front pool is closed to people & open to pets.  
     Inn by the Sea is a 5-bone resort with suites & townhouses, a comprehensive spa & a cool dining scene. It loans L.L. Bean doggie blankets &- here’s a tasty twist- dogs can join their owners in the fireplace lounge for drinks, supper, & canine canapes of Meat Roaf. 

Into the wild: Domaine Summum, a dog-centric rustic resort just south of Tremblant... Domaine Summum knows everything about dogs & their needs. Birgit Schultz & Shell Spillenaar breed Bernese mountain dogs & operate supremely pet-friendly lodging, plus a doggie Spaw with a new indoor play area & the Wouf B & B boarding kennels. Summum’s Dog Cafe serves chili & beer for
people & treats for their canine friends.

     The Bed & Biscuits boarding package for canines features treats, evening tuck-in, music, & night lights to keep us relaxed...”

The Gazette, Montreal
Sept. 26/2015


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Weekly Chuckle

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Nov. 11/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
 First ‘Glowing’ Sea Turtle Discovered in Solomon Islands

                  “Some corals are known to ‘glow’ underwater, as do some jellyfish, eels, & more than 180 other fish species.
            And was discovered that reptiles also have the ability to light up like a Christmas tree.

...a glowing hawksbill sea turtle — a critically endangered species – was discovered in the Solomon Islands by David Gruber, a marine biologist.

Gruber was on an expedition...His intention was to film bioflourescent corals & small sharks.
            Biofluorescence, as National Geographic explains, is ‘the ability to reflect the blue light hitting a surface & re-emit it as a different color.'...

One night as Gruber was filming a coral reef, the hawksbill sea turtle appeared ‘from out of the blue,’... He described the turtle as looking like a ‘bright red & green spaceship.’
          Gruber’s diving partner... Markus Reymann, said... that he’d never seen a turtle that calm. ‘He was just hanging out with us. I was loving the light.’

Scientists have only been studying bioflourescence for about 10 years...

           Most bioflourescent animals display only one color, usually green or red. Corals can display both colors – & apparently, so can sea turtles, although Gruber said the red could be from algae on the shell.
The reason why the hawksbill is bioflourescent remains a mystery. ‘We know they have really good vision. They go on long & arduous migrations,’ Gruber said. He said they could glow to find or attract each other.

            It could also be a defense mechanism to protect themselves from predators. Alexander Gaos, director of the Eastern Pacific Hawksbill Initiative (ICAPO), a nonprofit working to bring this species back from the brink of extinction, told National Geographic bioflourescence could serve as a kind of camouflage...
            According to ICAPO, hawksb
ills are the only species of sea turtle with ‘a brilliantly colored, keratinous shell consisting of overlapping (imbricated) scutes, colloquially referred to as a tortoise shell.’...

            Because the hawksbill sea turtle is now one of the rarest species on Earth, finding the reasons for its bioflourescence will be extremely difficult. Gruber will instead study the green sea turtle, which is closely related to the hawksbill but not as close to extinction...
           ...Hawksbill sea turtles are showing signs of recovery in the Arnavon Islands, according to a study earlier this year by the Nature Conservancy. Because of conservation efforts, their population has doubled over the past 20 years...”

Laura Goldman
October 1, 2015

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