Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sept. 25/2019

Pet Rats – All About Fancy Rats

“…Fancy rats, lab rats, & most ‘wild’ rats that thrive alongside human societies are all of the same species, Rattus norvegicus. What sets fancy rats apart is the fact that they have been bred over many generations for their good looks & pleasant natures. This has resulted in beautiful animals who truly enjoy contact with people. They seldom bite & are less likely to carry diseases that can be transmitted to people than are many other species of pets.
Varieties of Fancy Rats
Breeders have developed a dizzying array of fancy rat varieties. According to the American Fancy Rat & Mouse Association (AFRMA):
At present, all rats are shown in 7 varieties:

STANDARD – With short, smooth, glossy hair.

REX – With curly hair & curly whiskers.

TAILLESS – Complete absence of a tail, similiar to the Manx cats.

HAIRLESS – Complete absence of hair.

SATIN – Thinner, longer coat, with a lustrous sheen.

DUMBO – Larger ears set on the side of the head.

BRISTLE COAT – Stiff, coarse coat.

Each of these 7 varieties is grouped into 6 Sections by color & body markings. There are 40 distinct colors recognized among these Sections…
Where to Get Fancy Rats
If you are looking for a very specific type of fancy rat…you will need to go through a breeder. Debbie ‘The Rat Lady’ Ducommun, internationally recognized expert on rats & founder of the Rat Fan Club, says ‘a reputable breeder working to breed pet rats, & not feeder rats, is a very good source for healthy & friendly rats.’

…Ducommun says that rat rescues are excellent places to get pet rats, adding that ‘they will often have babies for adoption from accidental litters.’ She also says that ‘animal shelters in large cities commonly have rats who need homes.’…
Basic Care of Rats
Rats are quite easy to care for, particularly if you have a good understanding of their basic needs & provide for them right from the start.
‘First of all, rats are social animals that do best with a cage-mate- or 2 or 3!’ says   Ducommun. Therefore, if you are new to rat ownership, you should plan on       purchasing or adopting at least 2 rats at the same time; this will have an effect on how you set up your rat habitat.

One of the biggest mistakes that new owners make is purchasing a cage that is too small. While a small ‘starter cage’ may be necessary if you are bringing home baby rats…you should plan on getting the largest rat cage that you can afford & that your home will reasonably permit. At a minimum, cages for healthy adult rats should provide 2 cubic feet of space per rat, have multiple levels, & be very easy to access & clean…

The bottom of the rats’ cage should be filled with an absorbent litter such as shredded paper, recycled newspaper pellets, or wood shavings (not cedar). Litter needs to be replaced at least weekly, & the cage should be washed on a regular basis. Cages should also be outfitted with the following:

A nest box & bedding that the rats can shred & manipulate (e.g., paper towels or commercial bedding material)
Branches, ladders, or ropes for climbing
Wood blocks or other safe objects for chewing
An exercise wheel.

Even if you put together the ideal habitat, your rats need at least 20-30 minutes outside of the cage every day. During this time you should interact with your rats through play & some cuddle time. You can even train your rats to perform tricks, come when they are called, go through an agility course or maze, or walk on a leash.
Feeding Rats
Rats are omnivores, meaning they will eat almost anything, but you still need to give close thought to what you offer them. Pellets made specifically for rats should make up the bulk of their diet. Seed-based foods are not ideal because rats will eat only their ‘favorites,’ resulting in a nutritionally imbalanced diet. Small amounts of fresh fruits & vegetables make ideal rat treats.

Fresh water should be available at all times. Bottles with sipper tubes work best since rats will make a mess if water is available to them in bowls.
                 adorable rat pictures 2 e1295687649562 Cute Rat Pictures by Jessica Florence
Health Challenges
Rats are generally quite healthy, but like other pets they seem to be prone to a specific set of problems. According to Ducommun, ‘the most common health problems in rats include respiratory infections & mammary tumors in the females. Respiratory infections can be controlled with the right antibiotics, & mammary tumors can be mostly prevented by having females spayed when young.’…

Rat fancier clubs are another great source of information on everything from ‘the basics’ of keeping rats to referrals for reputable breeders & veterinarians. And, as Ducommun puts it, ‘since club members love rats & love to talk about them, they can be supportive friends for families just getting started in rats.’”

Jennifer Coates, DVM
                          adorable rat pictures 4 e1295687813194 Cute Rat Pictures by Jessica Florence
Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle
Max RIP Sept. 28/2017

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