Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April 24/2019


Pretty Kitties
   “…Catwalk: Tales From the Cat Show Circuit…is a documentary, & veteran directors Michael McNamara & Aaron Hancox..provide more insight about cat shows than anyone would have thought possible…

   ‘People understand what a dog show is. People can’t wrap their heads around what a cat show is,’ Kim Langille says at the beginning of this documentary.

   Langille knows of what she speaks. She is a competitive cat exhibitor & one of the main focuses of this offering. That is, Langille & her white Turkish Angora named Bobby.

   When shooting begins on the Canadian feline-show circuit, Bobby is the king of the cats, having cleaned up in competitions over the last few years.

   But wait- there’s another puss on the circuit who wishes to unseat Bobby from his throne. Say hey to Oh La La, a fetching Red Persian who has come out of retirement for one last scratch at glory. Her handler, Shirley McCollow, is hell-bent on Oh La La going out a champ.

   Langille soon realizes her Bobby has never faced an opponent as formidable as Oh La La, especially when at one show a seasoned American guest judge concedes that the latter cat has given him ‘more goosebumps’ than any feline he has ever felt…

   McNamara & Hancox were in the dark about competitive cat shows until the latter stumbled upon one 2 years ago…

   ‘These cats are not your regular (distant) cats,’ Hancox says. ‘They’re fancy cats, who are bred to be show cats & are bred to be fondled & handled. They are also socialized at an early age…’

   ‘What makes these cats so special is their amenability to be in show,’ McNamara says. ‘Oh La La, in particular, is a real ham. She really loves to be looked at. People’s mouths drop when Oh La La, this huge bouffant of a cat, is paraded around by (McCollow). She even has her own groupies.’

   ‘It’s fascinating to see how the judges handle them, too. They stretch them out to see what their musculature is like.’

   …to the victors go the spoils & the glory. That showboat Oh La La has gone on to do Whiskas commercials & won’t ever have to worry about an empty food bowl…

   …McNamara says ‘…these cat people have a real sense of humor. They come from all walks, but they’re just crazy about cats. And we’re just kicking ourselves for not doing this 20 years ago.’”

Bill Brownstein
The Gazette, Montreal
March 22/2018    

Cute Cat Pics:
Weekly Chuckle:

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