Wednesday, April 17, 2019

April 17/2019


Why Do Cats Knead?

“If you’re lucky enough to have a kitten or a cat in your life, you’ve no doubt bore witness to an interesting kitty trait known as ‘kneading’, which looks as though your cat is practising her technique to bake bread…she rhythmically alternates her paws, pushing in & out against your lap & giving you a massage…

Expressing affection
When is your cat most likely to knead? It’s probably when you’re petting her, she’s purring loudly & maybe even drooling a little bit. It’s obvious that she’s very content in this situation, & feeling the affection. So, kneading might be her way of helping you feel her affection as well.

Unfortunately, her way of showing affection may be more painful than pleasant for you. This is especially true if she is feeling very, very happy. This is because the better she feels, the harder she’s likely to knead – & if her nails are long, you’ll know it…

Getting ready for bed
Another kneading theory traces its roots to our domestic cats’ wild ancestors, who would knead grass to create a soft sleeping spot…if your cat is kneading your lap, sit back & relax because she’s likely preparing for a nap.

Kittenhood comforts
A third theory looks to your cat’s infancy. Cats start to knead instinctively as kittens, when they are nursing, to help stimulate their mother’s milk. While your cat might have outgrown the nursing stage, she might still enjoy that comforting feeling she associates with kneading.

Staking a claim
Kneading might also be your cat’s way of ‘claiming’ you. In other words, you’re not just being kneaded, you’re being marked by the scent glands on the soft pads on the bottoms of their paws…think of it as her showing that she cares enough about you to let the feline world to keep their paws off you.

Staying loose & limber
Finally, a kneading cat might just be a stretching cat. With so many naps filling her day, your cat needs to take a break now & then to stay limber, at least until her next scheduled snooze.

While many theories exist, there is no straightforward answer as to why cats knead. We hope that these kinds of mysteries will make you love your cat even more. Sometimes the best things are hard to explain."
Cute Cat Pics
Weekly Chuckle

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