Wednesday, July 25, 2018

July 25/2018


Tips To Help Pets Stay Cool & Safe During Record-Breaking

   “Paige Theng doused her dog Duke in cold water multiple times on each walk they took
during last week’s heat wave in Montreal. She bought an air conditioner for her NDG
home-something she wouldn’t have done had it not been for Duke. But the dog still got
diarrhea & struggled through the record-breaking temperatures.

   Furry animals like dogs & cats have a limited capacity to sweat, according to Dr.
Carole- Anne Laurin, a veterinarian at SPCA Montreal. That leaves them more
susceptible than humans to heat stroke.

   Some pets are even more sensitive to the heat, including short- nosed dogs & animals
that are obese. Pay extra close attention for signs of heat stroke in these animals.

   When walking a dog, keep your strolls shorter than usual & avoid going out in the hot
afternoons. Walk in the shade & along the grass, & avoid giving the dog intense physical
exercise. Laurin says hot weather offers a good opportunity to focus on mental
stimulation. 15 minutes of mental stimulation- such as teaching your dog tricks or playing
games- can be equivalent to one hour of running for a dog, according to the veterinarian.

   Other ways to keep an animal cool include taking them swimming in a lake or pitching
a kiddie pool in our backyard. Offer them frozen treats. Try filling a balloon & giving the
ball of ice to them like a big frozen lollipop.   

     If you think your pet might have heat stroke, take them to a veterinarian immediately.
On the way, wrap them in a cold towel, but don’t put ice or ice packs directly on
their body.
     Never leave your dog in a parked car. ‘The temperature can get up to 20 degrees
higher within 10 minutes even in a parked car or a car that has the windows down…”
Laurin said.

    It’s usually not recommended to shave your animal, Laurin said.

     ‘The fur protects them from UV rays & it seems to have insulating properties even
against the heat.’ Laurin said…

     As for birds, snakes, & other animals, keep their cages directly out of direct sunlight
& don’t put them directly next to air conditioning units.”

Darya Marchenkova
The Gazette, Montreal
July 9/2018
Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

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