Wednesday, July 18, 2018

July 18/2018


8 Cool Facts About Snakes

“…1. Snakes live on every continent except Antarctica.
Over 3,000 species of snakes live worldwide in nearly every environment possible, including deserts, swamps, forests, grasslands, & the ocean.

The largest variety of snakes is found in warmer climates because all snakes are cold blooded or ectothermic, which means they can’t regulate their own body temperature. They need an external source of heat to survive. In colder areas, many snakes will hibernate for winter or seek warm areas to hide in, such as inside a garage or barn.

The only places in the world that do not have snakes are Iceland, Ireland, Greenland, & New Zealand. Why snakes never made it to these island nations is unknown, but many of them now have laws against importing snakes because non-native snakes could cause extensive damage to the local ecosystems.

2. Snakes have been around for over 60 million years.
The largest snake fossil ever found was from what scientists have named the titanoboa. This creature lived over 60 million years ago & grew 50 feet… long & weighed up to 2,000 pounds ...

The largest snake in the world today is the reticulated python…

3. Snakes have no chin.
…Instead of one continuous jaw bone like humans, snakes have 2 bones that come down each side of their jaws. These bones are connected by very stretchy ligaments that allow them to easily spread apart & consume large prey…

4. Only 70% of snakes lay eggs.
The other 30% give birth to live young…

King cobras are the only snake known to build actual nests for their eggs, which the mothers guard viciously.

5. Some snakes can fly.
The thought of a flying snake may seem like something out of a nightmare, but a few snake species in the jungles of South & Southeast Asia are known to take flight…

6. The majority of snakes are not poisonous.
Of the approximately 3,000 species of snakes in the world, only 375 of these are venomous…

7. Snakes can hunt in groups.
Snakes have the reputation of being solitary hunters. But that’s not always true. A few species have actually been documented hunting in groups…

Cooperative hunting has also been observed in Cuban boas. These snakes are known to gather at the mouths of caves to hunt bats as they move in & out of the cave to roost each day. They do this by attaching their tails to small pits in the ceiling of the cave & hanging downwards to grab bats as they fly past…

8. Snakes symbolize good luck.
…many cultures traditionally believe that snakes bring good luck. In Japan, snakes symbolize wealth & money. It’s said you may lose all your money if you kill a snake. And finding a white snake can bring life-long luck.

In general, the more poisonous a snake is, the more good fortune it will bring. In India & Southeast Asia, meeting a king cobra can be considered a very lucky event. And in some parts of China, seeing a snake enter your home is a sign that you will have a long, peaceful life…”

Zoe Blarowski
Nov. 16/ 2017
Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

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