Wednesday, June 6, 2018

June 6/2018

Dog Wins Prize For Valour Under Fire in Afghanistan

     “A British military dog that saved the lives of troops in Afghanistan in 2012 was decorated…for bravery.

     Mali, an 8 year old Belgian Malinois, won the Dickin medal- a prize awarded by the PDSA veterinary charity & billed as the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross.

     The charity says Mali was twice sent through direct fire to conduct searches for explosives. He also detected the presence of insurgents, giving troops key seconds to ‘engage the enemy in close-quarter combat’. He carried on despite being hurt by grenade blasts that injured his chest, legs, and ear. He has since fully recovered.

   The dog is the 69th recipient of the prize since 1943.”

Associated Press
The Gazette, Montreal
Nov. 18/2017   

U.S. Army Dog Gets Medal For Battle Bravery

     “A U.S. Army dog that attacked a machine-gun nest during the Second World War was posthumously awarded Britain’s highest honor for animal bravery…Chips, a German shepherd- husky cross, was awarded the Dickin Medal for actions during a 1943 beach landing in Sicily. According to the U.S. soldiers, Chips raced into an Italian machine-gun nest, attacking an enemy soldier & pulling the gun from its mount. The medal was    awarded by veterinary charity PDSA in a ceremony in London.
     U.S. Army Lt. Col. Alan Throop said that shortly after the battle Chips was recommended for the Distinguished Service Cross, the silver Star, & the Purple Heart…”

Associated Press
The Gazette, Montreal
Jan. 16/2018

Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

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