Wednesday, June 13, 2018

June 13/2018

5 Underappreciated Birds to Celebrate

“…Far below the prettier species are the ones many prefer to demonize. They scavenge on carcasses of dead animals. They annoy people.

…Here are 5 commonly misunderstood birds we should celebrate, not decry.

1. Vultures
Vultures overall play a vital role in their ecosystems. Their scavenging prevents diseases from spreading & cleans up the areas they live…

‘People tend to think they’re ugly, dirty, & smelly, & they’re far from it & they’re absolutely crucial to the environment,’ said the International Centre for Birds of Prey’s Jemima Parry-Jones…
2. Magpies
…a lot of people consider the magpie a pest, but they have a lot of positives going for them.

Take their intelligence. Unlike most animals, they recognize themselves in mirrors. That makes them among the 7 known non-human species who can do that.
3. American Crow
The American crow has long been tied with bad luck. Their signature caw is a far cry from the popular birds’ pleasant chirping.

Still, they’re another bird whose intelligence you should respect. According to one study, they’re as smart as a 7-year-old kid.
4. Cormorants
…The seabird competes with fishermen, significantly cutting down on fish species like walleyes.

However, in the Great Lakes, they tend to feed on invasive species & aren’t the biggest problem affecting fish populations, next to pollution & other issues...
5. European Starlings
Even birding authority Audubon has sanctioned hating starlings. They’re invasive, loud, & destructive…

Keep in mind starlings do have redeeming qualities. As Washington State University News notes, they eat pests. They’re also skilled in teamwork, sometimes flying in groups of hundreds to stay safe from predators.”

Emily Zak
Dec. 27/ 2017

Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

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