Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Oct. 19/2016

Buddhist Monks Save Hundreds of Lobsters & Return Them to the Ocean

“Hundreds of lobsters avoided being boiled alive thanks to a group of Buddhist monks from Prince Edward Island.
The monks, who are from the Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society, bought the lobsters – 600 lbs. worth of them – solely with the intention of returning them to their rightful home in the ocean.
Venerable Dan, a spokesman for the monks... told the CBC that the purpose of the effort was to cultivate compassion for all living beings. Before taking them back out to sea, the monks held a ceremony where they prayed & chanted to the Buddha of compassion.

Before the release, they also blessed the lobsters with purified water & later gently removed the bands that bound their claws...

‘We respect everyone’s dietary choice, so we’re not doing this to convert everybody to be vegetarians or vegans,’ said Venerable Dan...

The effort was an incredibly thoughtful approach towards raising awareness about other beings & how precious their lives are to them, while showing just how easy it is to be compassionate...

...‘To give them a helping hand & put them back to where they feel comfortable & we believe if everybody’s able to do that, it will become a better place, a more harmonic place.’

Hopefully this rescue effort will inspire more people to show kindness & to give other beings we don’t fully understand the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their ability to enjoy their lives & experience pain & suffering...”

Alicia Graef
July 12/2016

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle
M.C. Oct. 19/2016
I lost a piece of my heart when I had to say a final goodbye to my sweet big black cat. You were our first Verdun cat & remained at my side through the good & bad times. I miss you M.C. & think about you each & every day. Rest in Peace sweetheart. Big Cyn loves. 

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