Wednesday, April 27, 2016

April 27/2016

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
 4 Odd Cat Sleeping Habits Explained

 “There are many feline behaviors that baffle us — but their odd sleeping habits might take the cake...We’ve got answers to your most pressing questions about your kitty’s mysterious snoozing patterns below.

Why Do Cats Sleep All Day?
Cats are champion snoozers — they usually sleep anywhere from 10 to 16 hours a day. Biologists chalk this up to... their protein-rich diet, which requires lots of periods of rest to aid digestion, & their crepuscular predatory pattern (cats usually hunt twice a day: dawn & dusk)...  

Why Do Cats Sleep on Us?...We’d like to think our cats sleep on us out of love & comfort, but that may not necessarily be the case. Veterinarian Dr. Mary Fuller has a few theories about feline snuggling patterns: They may be seeking warmth, or it could be that they love our smell & feel safe & content when they are near it. It’s also possible that cats may release oxytocin (the feel-good love hormone) when in contact with their owners — & finally, maybe they really do snuggle with us out of love...

Why Do Cats Like to Sleep in Small Boxes & Tiny Spaces?
Your cat could sleep why does she choose a shoe box, sink or cubbyhole? None of those tiny spaces seem particularly comfortable...Small spaces tend to be safer than large ones; in the wild, cats need to be stealthy, & smaller spaces may be better hiding spots; & small spaces are usually warmer & cozier.

Why Do Cat Snore?
While it’s not as common in cats as it is in dogs, snoring is usually caused by a partial obstruction to the upper airway. For the most part, it’s not something you need to worry about... Flat-faced breeds like Persians & Himalayans are prone to brachycephalic syndrome & may have respiratory issues. In fact, you might hear these breeds breathing loudly while they’re awake.”

Laura Cross
April 1/2016

Cute Cat Pic 
Weekly Chuckle

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