Saturday, April 23, 2016

April 20/2016

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
Why Does My Cat…Like to Sit in High Places?

 “In order to survive in the wild, animals are constantly learning how best to adapt to their environment. When animals are domesticated, many of these survival traits persist as behaviors...
One thing many cat owners have noticed is that their felines often seem to gravitate toward higher perches...

Height Equals’s important to understand that cats are both predator & prey. They are predators to smaller prey, such as rabbits, rodents, & birds, to name a few. However, they are also themselves prey to larger predators, such as owls & eagles from the air & from coyotes on the ground. Staying in higher places was most likely a behavior that...was associated with an increased probability of survival. Staying in a high location provided a cat with a better vantage point to spot prey & predator alike...Cats can also sleep in higher places with decreased risk of getting hunted or surprised... Therefore, over time, cats that exhibited this tendency to sit in higher places were more likely to survive & pass along this behavior.

Give Me Some Space
Adult cats also use their climbing ability to avoid potentially confrontational interactions with other members of their own species... Your cat most likely wants to keep an eye on her environment & increase the likelihood that she will not be disturbed. Some cats...have learned to stay on top of the refrigerator because it is an area of low traffic but high visibility & it can be warm. In certain cases, it may also be a safe place for frightened cats to hide or get away if a safe, low place is not available. Even when she is no longer scared, your cat may learn to associate that high place... with safety, peace & comfort &, she may prefer to go there..."

Dr. Wailani Sung
March 11/2016

Cute Cat Pic:

Weekly Chuckle:


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