Wednesday, July 10, 2024

July 10/2024


5 animals with incredibly long lifespans


by Fredy

Besides humans, what are some of the longest-living creatures on our planet?

#5 Pink cockatoos are one of the longest-living pets (40-60 yrs.)

These charismatic parrots make wonderful companions & surprise with their mental abilities. Cookie, the oldest recorded cockatoo in captivity, died in 2016 at the impressive age of 82.

#4 Being the largest living species of tortoise on Earth, the Galápagos giant tortoise is also one of the longest-living vertebrates (over 100 yrs.)

The oldest known individual died in 2006 at the estimated age of more than 170 years!

💡 Did you know?

- besides having incredibly long lifespans, living creatures can be biologically immortal;

- for example, the immortal jellyfish, native to tropic waters, is capable of extreme regeneration. When starving or injured, it can transform dead cells into healthy ones & regenerate its entire body;

- anyway, it's not impossible to kill them, so most often they end up being eaten by predators.

#3 A harpoon dating back to the 19th century was found in a bowhead whale's blubber in 2007 (over 200 yrs.)

Being the 5th-largest marine mammal, it's also claimed to be the longest-living mammal on Earth.

#2 Among all vertebrate species, the Greenland shark has the longest recorded lifespan (over 300 yrs.)

The oldest individual, born approximately between 1504 & 1744, was somewhere between 270 & 510 years old! These sharks, being among the largest extant shark species, grow very slowly & reach sexual maturity at the age of 150.

#1 Thanks to their slow life style, ocean quahogs can survive for centuries (over 500 yrs.)

The oldest individual of this mollusk species, aged 512, was collected in 2006. It became the oldest non-colonial animal ever discovered.

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