Saturday, April 1, 2023

March 22/2023


30 Animals That People Are Scared Of Or Don’t Like When They Really Shouldn’t, As Shared In This Online Thread

Part 2

By Adelaide Ross & Kotryna Brašiškytė

#16 Buzzards

At least in my area of the US, the buzzards clean up the trash & dead animals on the roads. Yes, they are not pretty to look at but they do the job barely anyone wants to do.

#17 Dogs

Since all the animals I wanted to mention already have been, I would instead like to nominate some select dog breeds, particularly breeds like Rottweiler, Doberman, & Mastiff. These dogs get a really bad rep as being violent killing machines. That's pretty unfair, though. Just about any dog will be violent if you raise it that way... Just about any dog can be super friendly & loving if you raise it properly as well. Even Chihuahuas & Jack Russells, with reputations for trying to fight everything that exists, can be adorable & innocent if they're raised & nurtured within a loving household.

So many dogs get a bad reputation just because of the media skewing things, & that's not fair. Have you even seen the families that raise these "violent" dogs that end up on the news? Those people often look very clearly like troublemakers, with a few that are less noticeable in that regard. Instead of blaming dogs for their actions, blame the sh*tty owners who've turned dogs into that.

#18 Skunks

They feed on a variety of pests around our homes & typically spray when they feel their life is in danger. So just don't sneak up on one lol.

They eat wasps & mice for example.


Sans the Polar Bears which are aggressive towards humans (but also because they don't live near a lot of people anyway & aren't really used to them), most other types of bears that live near humans are not normally aggressive unless provoked, & will try to flee if possible. The black bear in particular is actually a fairly tame bear, & even the brown bears (Grizzly, Kodiak, etc.) bears will also generally leave you alone if you don't bother them.

#20 Rats

Everyone thinks they’re disease ridden rodents but they’re very affectionate pets! They feel emotions, too! They’re just silly little creatures!

#21 Tarantulas

They are extremely interesting creatures who want nothing to do with you. Many species of terestrial/fossorial tarantulas that can die from falling literally 2ft to the ground or less. They are very, *very* fragile & rarely bite at all, & even then, **no-one** has ever died from a tarantula bite. Some females can live to **35+** years old with many hitting over 10 years to 20 years easy.

If you see one in the wild, *please* leave it be. Some people find it funny to try & drown them in their underground homes or poke at them from afar, but its cruel, they aren't hurting you.

(I am a tarantula keeper lol)

#22 Hyenas

#23 Gulls

Gulls are actually really expressive and very social, so they're fun to watch. Mature gulls in flight are quite beautiful over the ocean. The reason they go after people's food is because people feed them.

#24 Bats

Bats  are my favorite animal & it breaks my heart that they're always the scapegoat. Rabies? Bats. SARS? Bats. COVID? Bats. They're very unlikely to pass on rabies, despite what that rabies copypasta might have you think because they die quickly from it.

#25 Mosquitos 

Mosquitos have a vital role in the ecosystem. They are the food of some animals like frogs & dragonflies. They are vegetarian most of the time; they eat nectar. They only bite when they are pregnant; they need the protein in the blood for the eggs.

BUT, mosquitos also have the most number of persons killed. They are the carrier of many diseases like malaria & dengue.

#26 Alligators

So many get killed every year because they’re considered nuisance gators even if they’re not doing anything. Yes, of course they are dangerous, but they were here way before us, so we should respect them & their space. If an alligator bites or hurts someone, it’s usually because they decided to go up & try to pet it or ride or whatever. Or they ignored signs saying not to swim in waters where gators live.

#27 Pigeons


They can be a handful when not raised right but if you do a good job training them then they are the absolute biggest sweethearts & loving dogs you could ever hope for. The ones that are trained poorly can be quite annoying & downright aggressive but that isn't how the properly trained ones behave at all.


Their bloodthirsty reputation was created as part of a PR stunt to make Amazon seem more interesting.


There are over 4,000 species of cockroaches, but only 30 of them are considered pests. This means that approximately 99.2% of cockroach species want nothing to do with human habitats.

Only the pest species spread diseases as well. Non-pest species don't & have the important job of decomposing organic matter in the environment. Some of them look really cool too, like the Mardi gras cockroach

They're fairly intelligent creatures for insects as well & are also highly sociable. Aside from the approximately 0.8% of cockroach species that are pests, cockroaches are important creatures to the health of the Earth & are also fairly interesting to study.

Cute Critter Pics:

Weekly Chuckle:

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