Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Nov. 23/2022

Meet the Moose, Nature’s Long-Legged Vegetarians

Most people don’t realize just how enormous Moose are until they see one up close & personal. Moose are the largest members of the deer family. They can weigh up to 1200 pounds & stand over 2 meters tall! Moose can be brown, reddish, greyish, or even almost black with grey or white ‘socks’ on their legs.

Newborn calves make deep grunting sounds that develop into nearly human-like wails after a few days pass. Adult Moose are very vocal during their breeding season, with females making a nasally bawling sound & males bellowing in a cough in response.

Moose Habitat & Eating Habits
Lucky for us, these giants are herbivores. Their favourite snacks are willow, aspen, & balsam fir trees. They eat mostly leaves, buds, twigs, bark, grass, & aquatic plants. In fact, the word “moose” means “eater of twigs” in Algonquin. Moose have poor eyesight, making them inefficient hunters, but have excellent senses of smell & hearing. Perfect for sniffing out the juiciest greens!

Since Moose are big with insulating fur, they need cold climates. Moose can be generally found in forested areas as well as near lakes, swamps, & ponds during the summer. These places tend to have moist conditions due to the proximity of the bodies of water. In the winter, moose live in places with snow cover.

Moose Conservation
Moose face a variety of threats in the wild, such as climate change, hunting, habitat destruction, parasites, & disease. In Canada, moose populations are endangered in mainland Nova Scotia. It’s important to protect Moose. Moose play a key role in ecosystems. Simply by grazing, they are able to change the composition of vegetation in an area. They are also significant to Indigenous Peoples, serving as a traditional source of food & clothing.
Moose Fun Facts
- Moose are great swimmers & can sustain a speed of 6 miles an hour. They can also hold their breath for 30 seconds.

- Bull moose shed their antlers & regrow them each year.

- Moose tend to be very shy animals!

- Baby moose are called calves.

Cute Critter Pics:

Weekly Chuckle:

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