Saturday, October 15, 2022

Oct. 12/2022


We Collected Animal Trivia Questions That Are Fun To Know Part 3

"#106 What animals have teeth that never stop growing?

Answer: Rabbits, squirrels, & rodents

#107 What’s the sole food source for koala bears?

Answer: Eucalyptus

#108 What is a group of hedgehogs called?

Answer: A prickle or an array

#109 Which animal jokingly has 9 lives?

                                               Answer: Cat

#110 How big is the wingspan of the wandering albatross, the world's biggest seabird?

Answer: 11 feet

#111 Which animals make their homes out of empty seashells?

Answer: Hermit crabs

#112 What is a baby goat called?

Answer: Kid

#113 What is the smartest farm animal?

Answer: Pigs

#114 How many feathers are there in a peacock’s tail?

Answer: 200 on average

#115 Which mountain range is home to the snow leopard?

Answer: Himalayas

#116 What do pigs do to stay cool & prevent sunburn due to their lack of sweat glands?

Answer: They roll in the mud

#117 The age of a lion can be determined by its…?

Answer: Nose

#118 What 4 common species of animals die soon after giving birth?

Answer: Octopus, squid, salmon, & common mayfly

#119 What are 12 or more cows called?

Answer: A flink

#120 Which bird is considered the fastest?

Answer: Peregrine falcon

#121 What color is a giraffe’s tongue?

Answer: Purple

#122 How many toes do sheep have on each foot?

Answer: 2

#123 How many teats does a cow have?

Answer: 4

#124 Which bird symbolizes the strength & freedom of America?

Answer: Bald eagle

#125 How many legs does a spider have?

Answer: 8

#126 What is the largest animal in the world?

Answer: Antarctic blue whale

#127 What is a mass of jellyfish floating together known as?

Answer: A smack

#128 How do fish breathe underwater?

They use their gills

#129 What does a snake use to taste & smell?

Answer: The roof of its mouth

#130 Where are a cricket’s ears located?

Answer: On the tibia of its forelegs

#131 What’s the loudest insect in the world?

Answer: Cicada

#132 Which crustacean can growl when intimidating its enemies?

Answer: Ghost crab

#133 Which bird is a symbol for peace?

Answer: The dove

#134 What do you call a male deer?

Answer: Buck

#135 What do monkeys have that apes don't?

Answer: Tails

#136 Which fishes blow themselves up like balloons?

Answer: Porcupine fish & puffer fish

#137 What is a pack of baby cubs called?

Answer: Littler

#138 What is a group of sea turtle eggs called?

Answer: Clutch

#139 How far away can the sound of a blue whale be heard?

Answer: Over 500 miles

#140 What is a male turkey called?

Answer: A gobbler

#141 What is a group of deer called?

Answer: Herd

#142 What are the stinging cells of a jellyfish called?

Answer: Cnidocytes

#143 What determines the sex of a baby sea turtle?

Answer: The sand nest's temperature

#144 How many eggs can female frogs lay at a time?

Answer: Up to 4,000

#145 What animal does a tadpole grow into?

Answer: A frog or a salamander

#146 Which flightless bird is known to be the emblem of New Zealand?

Answer: Kiwi

#147 What is a group of pigs called?

Answer: A drift

#148 What's the fastest animal?

Answer: Cheetah

#149 How many human years is the equivalent of 1 dog year?

Answer: 7

#150 How do you tell a shark's age?

Answer: By counting the rings on their vertebrae

#151 What is the tall fin of a fish called?

Answer: Caudal fin

#152 What group of fish are seahorses closely related to?

Answer: Pipefishes

#153 What is the largest fish in the ocean?

Answer: The whale shark

#154 What are the skin cells that allow chameleons to change colors called?

Answer: Chromatophores

#155 How do vampire bats drink blood?

Answer: They lap it up..."
Eligijus Sinkunas & Marisha Kazaryan

Cute Halloween Critters:

Halloween Hoot!!!

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