Saturday, August 14, 2021

August 11/2021



5 Fascinating Facts About Your Cat's Teeth

"Cats are interesting creatures. They have big personalities, they love a good laser pointer chase, & they can't get enough catnip...But did you know that what's inside of their mouths is as interesting as their character traits?

If you've ever looked at your cat's teeth, you may have noticed something different than you'd previously here are some fascinating facts about cat teeth that are likely to make you smile.

1.Domestic cats have 30 permanent teeth, also known as adult teeth.

When they are kittens, kittens have 26 baby teeth. This is fewer than both dogs & humans, who have 42 & 32 adult teeth, respectively. Cats get their adult teeth when they are between 11 to 24 weeks, with the different kinds coming in in various stages. For instance, they get their incisors at 11 to 16 weeks, their canines at 12 to 20 weeks, their premolars at 16 to 20 weeks, & their regular molars at 20 to 24 weeks.

2.Unlike humans, cats rarely get cavities.

This is because cats have a diet that's pretty low in sugar, their teeth are shaped differently, & they don't have the same oral bacteria as humans do. When cats do get cavities, you won't be able to see them, & your cat likely won't show that they are in pain. This is because instinctually, cats don't want to demonstrate any weakness. If they cried out in pain in the wild, a predator could come after them. But, just like human cavities, cat cavities are extremely painful.

3. Even though domestic cats mostly eat canned cat food that you provide for them, their teeth are equipped for hunting.

The teeth are specifically shaped so that cats are able to easily capture prey & tear up their flesh. There is a bleeding groove in their mouths as well. This means that when cats are eating prey, the blood bleeds around the tooth & won't choke the cats.

4. Along with hunting teeth, cats have grooming teeth, too.

The incisors, which are little teeth in the middle of the large canine teeth, can be used to nibble on their fur, which comes in handle when they are cleaning themselves.
5. Cats & kittens can get severe dental & gum diseases, such as feline oral stomatitis.

This disease causes the gums to become inflamed, & causes bad breath, excessive salivating, & pain. Cats that get this disease may have a viral disease or issues with their immune system as well. Sometimes, teeth may need to be extracted in order to deal with feline oral stomatitis.
Taking care of your cat’s teeth
It's always important to keep a close eye on your cat's teeth & gums. Cats need to go to the veterinarian to have their teeth cleaned at least once per year. You can regularly brush your cat's teeth— once a day is ideal—by making your cat comfortable, getting a toothbrush specifically for a cat or a finger brush, using pet toothpaste, brushing with gentle motion, & making sure to brush the back teeth as well. In addition, feeding your cat high-quality food will keep their teeth healthy.

Telling the veterinarian about any problems you encounter as soon as possible is critical. This is because when issues like gum disease, gingivitis, & tartar buildup are not treated, it can lead to fatal conditions like heart disease & organ failure. If need be, your veterinarian will at the very least deep clean your cat's teeth. The vet may even give your cat medicine or have to extract a tooth or multiple teeth.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion."

Kylie Ora Lobell  
Jan. 12/2020

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