Friday, May 7, 2021

May 5/2021


Franklin Park Zoo welcomes baby gorilla delivered via C-section
"A mama gorilla & her baby 'are both safe & healthy' after she gave birth via C-section at the Franklin Park Zoo, according to a press release.

Weighing in at 6 pounds & 3 ounces, a male gorilla baby was born...thanks to a team of veterinarians & physicians.
'In the days leading up to the delivery, Kiki, a 39-year-old western lowland gorilla, experienced vaginal bleeding, which at times was significant,' the release noted. 'With Kiki’s due date just days away, the veterinary team at Zoo New England became concerned that she may have placenta previa, a condition where the placenta lies over the entrance to the cervix, blocking the path for delivery of the baby.'

The Zoo New England veterinary team, along with specialists from Brigham & Women’s Hospital & Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, acted quickly & performed an ultrasound.

They determined that she did, in fact, have placenta previa, & immediately prepared her for surgery.

Within about 2 & a half hours, the baby gorilla was delivered.
Described as a big baby, as gorilla infants typically weigh 3 to 5 pounds, he is the first male gorilla ever born at Franklin Park Zoo. Western lowland gorillas are considered critically endangered in the wild.

'For the health of mom & baby, it was imperative to quickly diagnose Kiki’s condition & perform a C-section before she went into labor on her own. We were fortunate to quickly mobilize an amazing team with our colleagues at Brigham & Women’s Hospital & Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine,' Dr. Eric Baitchman, who is the vice president of Animal Health & Conservation at Zoo New England, noted in the release. 'This was truly a team effort, & we are relieved & happy that the surgery went smoothly & that mom & baby are both safe & healthy.'

The release also noted that Zoo staff cared for the baby while Kiki recovered, with Kiki close enough to see & hear her baby.

'The pair were successfully reunited the following afternoon...& Kiki has been very attentive, holding the baby close,' according to the release. 'Mother & baby have bonded well & continue to be closely monitored & cared for behind the scenes.'”

NBC 10 News

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