Wednesday, March 3, 2021



A golden catch 

"The odds of catching a yellow lobster are about 1 in 30 million, so you can imagine the celebration that went down when a lobsterman nabbed one off the coast of Maine. Its name is Banana, & it gets its special hue from a pigment in its shell. Luckily, the man who caught Banana knew what a find he had on his hands (or rather, in his bucket), & brought the golden crustacean to the University of New England to be fawned over — er, researched. Banana will now live a life of lobster luxury at the school & may help area universities learn more about the effects of water temperature in the Gulf of Maine. According to a lab coordinator, the lobster of honor weighs about a pound & a half, & is 'settling in nicely.'"

CNN's Good Stuff

Feb. 13/2021

Cute Critter Pics:

Weekly Chuckle:


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