Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sept. 16/2020


Hemingway House Staff Keeping Cats Safe
   "The strange 6-toed cats of Ernest Hemingway's Florida bolthole are surviving the pandemic with a little love from local visitors. As the flow of international tourists visiting the U.S. writer's home in the Florida Keys dries up, there were fears the felines would suffer amid layoffs that saw 2/3s of the home's staff let go. But remaining workers say they are committed to keeping the doors open for domestic tourists- & to keeping the cats safe. 'We plan on staying open,' the site's director, Andrew Morawski told AFP. 'Especially making sure that all theses cats get taken care of'. The cat colony at the home, which became a tourist attraction after the author's death in 1961, are descended from a cat with a genetic quirk that Hemingway got as a birthday present."
The Montreal Gazette
Sept. 12/2020 

Cute Critter Pics:  

Weekly Chuckle:


Our little Snowball RIP.

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