Thursday, August 20, 2020

Aug. 19/2020

Who's the Good Girl on the Bus?

   "...Eclipse, a Mastiff-Labrador dog...takes the bus by herself to get to the dog park...
   Each day, Eclipse waits at the bus stop near her Seattle home, pass tied to her collar. She boards to adoring fans & gets off a few stops away. After a couple hours' worth of doggie shenanigans, she returns home. The routine started in 2015, when Eclipse's human, Jeff Young, took too long to finish his cigarette at the bus stop. Eclipse boarded anyway- an ingrained habit- & got off at the park, where she waited for Young.
   The  year old has since starred in a Seattle transportation video, & her Facebook page has more than 50,000 followers."    
                                                                        Melissa Hank
The Gazette, Montreal
Aug. 17/2020

Cute Critter Pics:

Weekly Chuckle:


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