Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March 18/2020

Lady Gaga Meet Your Lady Bug
"Lady Gaga's flamboyant style has inspired the name of a new insect species. The Kaikaia gaga is a new species of the treehopper bugs found almost 3 decades ago near the Pacific coast of Nicaragua, Fader magazine reports, & its unique features prompted scientists to name the bug after the singer...

Speaking to the Illinois News Bureau, Brendan Morris, a PhD entomology candidate at University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, said: 'If there is going to be a Lady Gaga bug, it's going to be a treehopper because they've got these crazy horns. They have this wacky fashion sense about them. They're unlike anything you've ever seen before.'

Morris plans to visit Nicaragua in hopes of finding another K. gaga in the tropical forest where the original was collected."
The Gazette, Montreal
March 12/2020  

Cute Critter Pic:
Weekly Chuckle:

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