Wednesday, June 12, 2019

June 12/2019


Real Polar Bear Makes Appearance at Polar Bear Dip

“The annual Newfoundland iceberg festival welcomed a special visitor…After people
donned costumes for the polar bear dip…in the community or Raleigh, a real polar bear
came ashore that evening in nearby St. Lunaire- Gritquet on Newfoundland’s Great
Nothern Peninsula. Thresa Burden, who lives in town, said that the healthy- looking bear
Wandered curiously near some sheds along the shoreline. ‘It was creating quite the
attraction, I must say,’ said Burden, a tourism & development officer with the town of St.
Anthony. Burden said the young bear was then seen swimming towards an opening to the
Atlantic Ocean & has not been spotted again. ‘Polar bears arrive here every year,’ said
Burden. ‘But to see a bear in June is not common.’”

The Canadian Press
In The Montreal Gazette
June 12/2018
Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

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