Wednesday, March 20, 2019

March 20/2019


Zoo’s 4 New Baby Cheetahs Will Be Spotted For First Time

“Quebec’s cheetah population continues to grow following 4 births at Parc Safari in Hemmingford…

The new additions, females Imani & Ilanga & males Bemba & Malik, joined the 13   felines already housed in the park’s Cheetah Research & Reproduction Centre…They were named in honour of the animal’s African heritage.

The Quebec zoo took in 8 animals from South Africa in 2013…Since then, the cheetah centre’s population has more than doubled through a combination of births & animal transfers between centres across North America.

The 2 cubs, Mosi & Jelanie, joined the zoo’s cheetah coalition a year earlier in May 2017 as the first born in the province, followed by another litter of 2 in July in the same year.

While the first birth at the centre required human intervention…Imani, Ilanga, Bemba, & Malik’s births were completely natural- something zoo staff are feeling especially proud about.

With a dwindling worldwide population year after year, each new litter of cheetahs is ‘very, very important’.

…’It’s very important to keep a healthy population in captivity, so maybe one day we’ll be able to reintroduce (cheetahs) into the wild.’

…it’s challenging to breed cheetahs, partially due to a lack of genetic diversity in the species, low fertility rates in males, & the invasive nature of artificial insemination, which requires surgery. Of more than 30 North American centres involved in the Species Survival Program…only16 have been successful in breeding the animals.

…once the cubs have matured, after a year to 18 months, they’ll probably be transferred to other centres where a new bloodline is needed.”

Kelsey Litwin
The Gazette, Montreal
July 13/2018

Cute Critter Pic
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