Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Jan. 2/2019


10 Health Tips for Pets During Cold Winter Months

“…Here are some tips to help keep your pets healthy & safe during the winter:

Not just about playing dress-up
Whether or not your dog needs a winter coat depends on the dog’s natural coat & breed type…short haired breeds, seniors, puppies, & dogs with medical conditions can benefit from the extra warmth…

Limit outdoor exposure
Stick to short walks or exercise periods during extremely cold weather…

Pets can suffer from skin conditions during the winter
Repeatedly coming out of the cold into dry heat or forced air can cause itchy, flaking skin in pets. Keeping your home humidified can help with this problem. Dry & oily skin conditions are the most common skin irritations during the winter season…For dry skin issues, veterinarians may suggest a medicated shampoo or dietary supplement. In the case of oily skin, a skin scraping at the veterinary hospital can rule out parasites or a yeast infection before determining the right course of treatment.

The most obvious signs of seasonally-related skin conditions in cats include dry, flaky skin, scratching, licking, & or chewing, especially around the neck & face… brushing stimulates natural oil secretions in a cat’s skin & disburses the oil from the fur down into the skin. Cats can also suffer from dry or oily skin…

Older pets may need extra help during cold weather
Neal Beeber, surgical director at Rutherford Animal Hospital, Little Falls Animal Hospital & Cats Exclusive Animal Hospital, all located in Northern New Jersey advises pet owners to pay special attention to senior pets during the winter. Many older pets suffer from arthritis, a condition that can be aggravated by cold weather…

There are many treatments that can help alleviate pain in older pets. These treatments include prescription anti-inflammatory drugs, dietary supplements, massage, acupuncture, laser treatments, & physical therapy…

Protecting your pet’s pads
Dogs can cut their feet on sharp frozen snow or ice so check the pads for any injuries after returning from a walk. In addition, pads can become irritated from ice melt chemicals on the sidewalk. Dogs’ paws should be rinsed off following a walk if there is any concern about having come in contact with chemicals…Massaging petroleum jelly into paw pads before going outside helps to protect from salt & chemical agents.

Some pet owners use booties to protect their dog’s pads. If you choose to use them, make sure they fit properly.

Pets can get frostbite too
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), when temperatures dip below 20F, outdoor dogs & cats should be brought in the house. At this temperature, outdoor animals can get frostbite on their noses, ears, & feet. Extra caution should be taken with very young or elderly animals as they are especially vulnerable during the winter.

Keep antifreeze out of reach of pets
The sweet taste of antifreeze makes it very desirable for our pets. If ingested, antifreeze can be deadly for animals. If you keep antifreeze in the garage, consider purchasing a pet-friendly brand in case of spills…

Bang on the hood before starting the car
It’s not unusual for outdoor cats to hide under the hood of cars to take advantage of heat from the engine… If there are outdoor cats in your area, bang loudly on the car hood or honk the horn before starting the engine to give the cat a chance to escape.

Never leave pets in the car
While most people are aware of the dangers of leaving a pet in the car during hot summer months, the same applies during the winter. Experts at the AVMA caution that cars become extremely cold in the winter & pets can suffer from hypothermia.

Pet-proof your home
Make sure there are screens around fireplaces & wood burning stoves so that pets can’t get too close & get burned…”

Vera Lawlor
Feb. 4/2018
Cute Critter Pic

 Weekly Chuckle

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