Wednesday, March 21, 2018

March 21/2018

From Shelter to Service: Search Dogs Help Save Lives

“While hundreds of pets were being removed from flood zones in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey & Irma, search dogs were entering those very same areas to find people who might have opted to stay behind & were now trapped by rising flood waters…

…trained by the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (SDF). The nonprofit organization located in Santa Paula, CA recruits & trains shelter dogs & partners them with firefighters & other first responders to find people trapped or buried alive in the wreckage of disasters. Most recently 12 SDF-trained search teams were deployed to help in the wake of the earthquake in Mexico City & Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.

What types of dogs excel in the SDF Program?
‘Our trainers look for extremely driven, toy-obsessed dogs that don’t just want the toy, they need to possess the toy,’ said Denise Sanders, SDF Communications & Development Officer. ‘This drive is what carries them through the process of learning to bark when they smell the scent of a live human—that toy is their reward & they will do anything to get it!’

The SDF recently celebrated the grand opening of its National Training Center located on 125 acres of donated historic ranch land in Santa Paula. The new center features kennels, beginning & advanced training areas, handlers’ accommodations, classrooms, & offices.

Sanders said that it takes 8 to 10 months to train a search dog... After anywhere from 8 months to one year, the search team is generally ready to take their Certification Evaluation (administered either by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or the State Urban Search & Rescue Alliance). This certification makes them deployable & ready to respond when the call comes…

When they’re not on deployment all of the search dogs live at home with their handlers or at the fire station when their partners are at work.

‘The dogs and handlers are together 24/7 so they are ready to go at a moment’s notice,’ Sanders said…”

Vera Lawlor
Sept. 29/2017
Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

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