Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Feb. 21/2018

Snowmobilers Rescue Moose Neck-Deep in Snow

“A group of snowmobilers pulled out their shovels to free a stuck moose after spotting its head poking out of freshly fallen snow in western Newfoundland. Jonathan Anstey, who owns a snowmobile riding clinic, said he & several other riders set out on the trails near Deer Lake, N.L….& spotted a moose neck-deep in snow. The liberated moose hung around for a bit to dry off, Anstey said, occasionally looking at its rescuers as if to say, ‘a little thank you,’ before trotting away.”

Canadian Press
In The Gazette, Montreal

Jan. 4/2018
 Cute Critter Pic
Weekly Chuckle

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