Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Dec. 13/2017

St. Bernard Pups on Parade

“In what promises to be a cavalcade of cute, 12 St. Bernard puppies will trot down from a Swiss mountain pass in a special ceremony usually associated with the seasonal return of cattle.

The Oct. 1 procession, known as a desalpe in French & an alpabuzug in German, will celebrate a bumper crop of pups bred by the Barry Foundation, a charity dedicated to the history & preservation of the alpine nation’s legendary canine breed.

The dogs will follow the ancient Via Francigena pilgrimage route from a hospice in the Great St. Bernard pass to the Barryland museum at Martigny.

After spending the summer on the pass, the dogs return to the Barryland kennels & museum for the winter, & the October parade of pups revives a ‘unique & important Swiss tradition’, the foundation said.”

Andre Ramshaw
The Montreal Gazette

Sept. 23/2017
Cute Christmas Pic
Weekly Chuckle

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