Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Nov. 8/2017

11 Surprising Animals That Hibernate  

“Hibernation, also called ‘winter sleep,’ is when an animal’s heart rate & body metabolism go down drastically for days or months at a time in order to survive the cold winter months.

...True hibernation is when an animal falls into such a deep state it appears to be dead. Whereas, torpor is a state when an animal’s heart rate & temperature reduce, but they are able to move around when needed...

Many different species of rodents belong to the marmot family, such as groundhogs, chipmunks, ground squirrels, & alpine marmots. They can hibernate for up to 8 months straight, while maintaining a body temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit (3 degrees Celsius). During hibernation, they may take only 2-3 breaths per minute & their heartbeat falls to 3-4 beats per minute.

Common Poorwill
...Some populations of the common poorwill, native to western North America, hibernate during colder months. This is the only bird known to hibernate. It can settle underneath shallow rocks or rotten logs & stay there for up to 5 months...
...Bears go into a state of torpor during winter, where they can wake up & move around periodically. This allows bears to have their cubs during hibernation...they can last as long as 100 days without food or water.
Unlike mammals, hibernation in reptiles is known as brumation. Reptiles are cold-blooded, & therefore need to find warm hideaways to hibernate, such as holes in the ground or rock crevices. Certain species, like garter snakes, hibernate in groups to preserve heat. These are known as hibernacles, which can hold hundreds of snakes at a time. The largest snake hibernacles in the world are the Narcisse Snake Dens of Manitoba, Canada, where tens of thousands of snakes gather to overwinter together.
...The 1,240 species of bats represent about 20% of all mammal species identified worldwide....Big brown bats often spend up to 66 days hibernating in the wild...
Despite the fact they live in tropical climates, some species of lemur hibernate. The fat-tailed dwarf lemur, native to Madagascar, hibernates for up to 8 months...During hibernation, they live off the fat in their tail & can lose almost 50% of their body weight.
...Water turtles will bury themselves in mud & leaves at the bottom of a pond. Their body temperatures drop & they stop breathing through their lungs. They actually have specialized skin cells near their tail opening that provides enough oxygen from the water to survive. Land turtles will dig a burrow deep into the ground to ensure their safety from predators & freezing temperatures over winter.
Insects’ way of hibernating is to go into a state called diapause, which is a long-term suspension of life functions... If an insect overwinters as an adult, many species will produce an antifreeze-like substance in their blood that protects them from freezing temperatures. Moths, ladybird beetles, & bumblebees all hibernate as adults.
Hedgehogs are found throughout Europe, Africa, New Zealand, & Asia. They tend to maintain a constant body temperature of around 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius), which can drop to 43 degrees Fahrenheit (6 degrees Celsius) during hibernation...
Snails can live up to 7 years in the wild. Although, in captivity they’re shown to live up to 25 years. Their relatively long life span means they need to hibernate over winter. They cover themselves with a thin layer of mucus to stay hydrated. Then they bury themselves & close the entrance to their shells with mucus. The mucus hardens to prevent predators from getting in during hibernation.

 Frogs & Toads
In colder climates, frogs often hibernate along creeks & in small crevices of logs & rocks. They can store glucose in their bodies, which provides a food source & prevents them from freezing solid during winter... Some toad species are known to hibernate up to 3 or 4 years straight."

Zoe Blarowski
Nov. 10/ 2016

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle


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