Thursday, August 3, 2017

August 2/2017

Thailand’s Chunky Monkey Placed on a Diet

   “A morbidly obese wild monkey who gorged himself on junk food & soda left behind by tourists has been rescued & placed on a strict diet of lean protein, fruits, & vegetables.
   Wildlife officials caught the chunky monkey- nicknamed ‘Uncle Fat’ by locals- after photos of the animal started circulating on social media.
   Wild monkeys roam free in many parts of Thailand, attracting tourists who feed the animals. Most are macaques like Uncle Fat, & weigh around 9 kg (20 lbs.). Uncle Fat weighs 3 times that, tipping the scales at around 26 kg (60 lbs.)
   ‘He had minions & other monkeys bringing food for him but would also re-distribute it to younger monkeys,’ said veterinarian Supakarn Kaewchot.”

The Associated Press
in The Gazette, Montreal
May 20/2017
Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle

Tammy Too (Aug. 5/1995)
There are no words to express how much you meant to me. I love you so much & miss you with all my heart. RIP Tam

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