Wednesday, June 28, 2017

June 28/2017

10 Signs Your Kitty Actually Loves You

“...1. Head butting... During this exchange your cat deposits facial pheromones that represent their feelings of trust & safety they have with you.

2. Powerful purrs. Cats purr for all sorts of reasons, but there is one unique full bodied rumble that your kitty saves exclusively for their true love. Purring also lowers your kitty’s heart rate & helps them to relax & exhibit feelings of contentment.

3. Love bites... It’s pretty easy to tell the difference between a love bite & a regular cat bite, one hurts & the other tickles! Nibbling isn’t a common sign of love, but when a cat employs it, they’re trying to say “you’re awesome.”

4. Tail twitching. You can tell a lot by looking at a cat’s tail. Just as their tails puff out when they get scared or agitated, their tail will twitch at the very tip when they are feeling bliss. If you notice this action when your cat approaches you, then you can be sure that they think you rock their world.

5. Tummy up.When your cat throws itself on the floor & starts rolling around, they are trying to get your attention. Cats only show their tummies voluntarily to those they can trust. Feeling safe means a lot to a cat, so when they sprawl out in front of you, this is a sign that they feel loved & protected.

6. Licking your hair or ears...if your cat has chosen to bestow you with hair or ear licking, rest assured you have been welcomed into the inner circle. Grooming is one of the most obvious signs of the friendship & trust you have with your furry companion.

7. Kneading. Kittens knead against their mothers to stimulate milk production, which is why experts believe that kneading behavior in cats is nostalgic of kittenhood & acts as a way of reliving the happy moments they experienced as little ones. So next time your kitty starts moving its paws up & down on you, remember that they are not just trying to soften you up before taking a nap, but that they’re expressing their adoration for you.

8. Slow blinking. It is said that cats kiss with their eyes, so don’t expect to share this sign of affection with any old cat. Cats save eye contact for people they know & trust. If that eye contact is coupled with slow blinking then you’ve just received a kitty kiss. Return the love by mimicking the behavior.

9. Nap time. Kitties crave warm safe places to sleep, so if your fluffy feline decides to snuggle down beside you or better yet, on your lap, then you should feel especially honored. Cats are most vulnerable when they are sleeping, & there is no greater compliment than when they choose you as their snooze spot.

10. Gifting... a kitty that presents you with this bounty deserves to be praised. Despite our domestication, cats still have the inner hunter & sharing their prizes with you is a sign of true friendship...”

Abigail Geer
April 2/2017

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle

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