Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March 1/2017

20 Fascinating Facts About Giraffes

“...1. Baby giraffes can stand within just half an hour...

2. Until they’re about 5 months old, young giraffes play with each other while their moms are nearby, foraging for food.

3. Giraffes sleep less than most mammals, from only 10 minutes to 2 hours per day. They usually sleep standing up.

4. Giraffes are non-territorial, & join & leave herds at will...

5. They can run for long distances at speeds as fast as about 37 miles per hour.

6. You’ll rarely see giraffes fighting with each other...

7. ‘Necking’ in the giraffe world doesn’t apply to making out, but to males aggressively swinging their heads at each other, aiming their horns at their opponent...

8. One kick from a giraffe’s powerful leg can kill a lion.

9. Every giraffe has a unique spot pattern...

10. ...giraffes, just like humans, have only 7 vertebrae in their necks...

11. ...they must awkwardly spread their front legs or kneel to drink. Fortunately, they only need water every few days, since it’s provided in all the plants they eat.

12. ...giraffes eat 75 pounds of food (mostly leaves) every day.

13. Giraffes...tongues...can be up to 20 inches long...

14. Giraffes are generally silent, using infrasonic sound to communicate with each other...

15. As a way of flirting, male giraffes may cough very loudly.

16. ...Their courtship ritual starts with a male giraffe sniffing a female’s urine...

17. Because of their appearance, giraffes used to be known as “cameleopards.” Their scientific name, Giraffa Camelopardalis, translates to “camel marked like a leopard.”

18. Julius Caesar brought the first giraffe to Europe from Egypt in 48 B.C....

19. Giraffes used to be killed only for their tails...

20. Giraffes only live for 10 to 15 years in the wild, & from 20 to 27 years in zoos...”

Laura Goldman
January 2/2017

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle

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