Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Feb. 1/2017

Dolphins Recorded Chatting With Each Other Like Humans

“...picture 2 dolphins chatting away like humans. Well, according to one recent study, that’s not such a wild thing to imagine. Apparently, dolphins talk with each other in much the same way as humans, but instead of words, they use pulsed clicks to communicate.

The Telegraph reports that dolphins have been recorded having a conversation for the first time after scientists developed an underwater microphone that could distinguish the animals’ different ‘voices’.

We’ve known for some time that mammals such as dolphins have advanced communication skills involving various clicks & whistles. But what this new research shows is that dolphins actually form words by altering the volume & frequency of the sounds they make. And they string their “words” together to form — you guessed it — sentences. Like humans do.

The research took place at the Karadag Nature Reserve, in Feodosia, Ukraine...

...researchers recorded 2 Black Sea bottlenose dolphins, named Yasha & Yana, talking to each other in a pool.

They were able to distinguish the dolphins’ different ‘voices’. They also noticed that each dolphin would listen to a sentence of pulses without interruption, before replying...

...Lead researcher Dr. Vyacheslav Ryabov confirms, saying, ‘The analysis of numerous pulses registered in our experiments showed that the dolphins took turns in producing [sentences] & did not interrupt each other, which gives reason to believe that each of the dolphins listened to the other’s pulses before producing its own’...

This language exhibits all the design features present in the human spoken language, this indicates a high level of intelligence & consciousness in dolphins, & their language can be ostensibly considered a highly developed spoken language, akin to the human language...

We already know that dolphins & humans actually see the world in similar ways...”

Tex Dworkin
Sept. 17/ 2016

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle

Gone way too soon.

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