Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sept. 14/2016

PitLuvMTL Showcases Breed’s Bond With Families

   “Photographer Michelle Gagne is using her camera to try to fight what she calls a stereotype plaguing pit bulls...
     Gagne, a local fashion photographer, has launched #PitLuvMTL- a series of portraits she has posted to her social media streams that she said reveals close, loving ties between Montreal’s pit bulls & their owners.

     ‘Fear is a really powerful tool that can be used in very bad ways...Why not use love instead?’ Gagne said. ‘I just wanted to share something positive. Send out some love to pits.’

     While not a pit bull owner, Gagne said her connection with her own dog made her realize the potential struggle for Montreal pit bull owners who are awaiting a decision...on breed-specific legislation...

     ...Gagne said...she thinks proposed bans are a ‘harsh conclusion’ based on what she calls misinformation about pit bulls.

     Her project consists of 10 black & white portraits that capture the intense bond & outpouring of love between people & their dogs, she said.

     Each ‘family’ portrait includes a short written piece talking about the importance of the family’s pet. Even off-camera, Gagne said, all of the dogs she worked with were ‘sweet, loving, wanting to play, & give kisses’.
     ...Social media users have visited her Facebook page (search ‘Michelle Gagne Photographe’) to share their own photos with their pit bulls- who often look like they are smiling as they pose with young children...”

Lindsday Richardson
in The Montreal Gazette
July 16/2016

Cute Critter Pic 

Weekly Chuckle

Snowball Sept. 17/1998
Sweet Snowie. I remember how we lost you just before our trip to Montreal & how your passing broke Adrian & my hearts. You were such a wonderful (& patient) companion to Dietrich & I'll never forget taking you out of that awful cage once I got you home from the SPCA when I adopted you. RIP little one.

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