Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 27/2015

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner



Sharks Surprisingly Sociable    
           “…Of all the creatures in the animal kingdom, a shark is the one that just about everybody is likely to avoid. But of the 400 or so shark species swimming in the oceans, just 3 or 4 attack humans.

                      The study analyzed 10 groups of 10 small spotted catsharks, monitoring their interaction in 3 environments. It showed that some sharks…enjoy each others company, congregating in groups sometimes lying on top of each other to rest. But other sharks were loners, staying away from any group.

                      The study adds to a body of work that shows animals display not just character traits, but individual personalities, & possibly even emotion, too…

                      William Hughes, an animal behavior expert at the University of Sussex, says… ‘What we mean by animal personality is consistency of individual behavioral traits over time & across contexts…

                       It would appear that some small spotted catsharks, which have the appearance of super-sized tadpoles, like to hang out with their friends. Others…just want some peace & quiet away from the dance floor.’

                   A similar experiment by Jean Sebastien Finger, a biologist in the Bahamas, monitored lemon sharks & found that while some were novelty seekers, others were less keen to explore. ‘They are not machines, they have personalities,’ Finger said.

                   Hughes adds that scientists are increasingly confident that animals from insects to primates, display complex personalities. The University of Bordeaux, for instance, found that freshwater crayfish display anxiety, hiding in the dark corners of a tank, rather than brightly lit parts.”

Harry Wallop
The Montreal Gazette
Oct. 4/2014 

Cute Critter Pic

Weekly Chuckle


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