Thursday, January 1, 2015

December 31/2014

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner
Black widows fond of twerking

           “VANCOUVER- Think Miley Cyrus, but with a few more legs.

           Black widow spiders use jittery abdominal movements not unlike twerking…to navigate the dangerous world of arachnid mating, according to a published study from British Columbia researchers.

           Specifically, the vibrations from a ‘twerking’ male black widow tell a female perched on her web that she’s being approached by a potential mate…

           ‘What the male does, it has very subtle abdominal tremulations, so very subtle lateral movements of the abdomen that may be comparable to the twerks, absolutely,’ Prof. Gerhard Gries of Simon Fraser said…

           ‘These very subtle twerks cause these very subtle vibrations of the web & that is what the female spider will respond to in a very friendly, rather than aggressive, nature’.

           For male spiders, mating can be a treacherous endeavor in which an innocent attempt at courtship can end with-& this is the scientific term- sexual cannibalism.

           Cannibalism is a common danger facing male spiders attempting to approach females, since most spiders are predatory & extremely aggressive…

           Two of Gries’ graduate students, Samatha Vibert & Catherine Scott, set out to determine how male black widows approach females…

           The researchers used sophisticated equipment to measure the vibrations produced by males approaching females on a web & then compared those with the vibrations from houseflies & crickets.

           The males could be seen shaking their abdomens, producing long, low-amplitude vibrations on the web…

           While the short, percussive vibrations of the flies & crickets triggered a predatory response from the female black widows, the male spiders’ distinct whispers did not…

           The vibrations are in addition to other strategies male spiders use to protect themselves from aggressive females, including cutting the threads of the females’ web to limit her movement or attempting to mate with a moulting female.”

The Montreal Gazette          
Jan. 18/2014

Cute Critter Pic 
Weekly Chuckle

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