Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July 26/2017

Fish Gets Custom ‘Wheelchair'

     “Faced with a goldfish that could not swim properly, a Texas aquarium worker has been hailed as a hero after fashioning a tiny ‘wheelchair’ for the suffering pet.
     The contraption, reports The Telegraph online, came to the public’s attention after YouTuber Taylor Dean shared an image of it on Twitter. ‘A customer brought in a goldfish with a permanent bladder disorder, so I made him a custom wheelchair,’ Derek...texted to Dean.
     The fish had bladder issues that 'prevented it from holding itself upright, & made it permanently stuck at the bottom of its tank.’ Derek ... came up with the wheelchair by wrapping airline tubing around the fish & attaching valves, 'which acted as a 'chair’ to prop him up,’ he explained.
     According to the Kansas City Star, the fish is now 'getting along swimmingly’.”

Postmedia News
in The Gazette, Montreal
March 20/2017

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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

July 19/2017

10 Surprising Facts About Dogs

“...It’s estimated there are over 525 million dogs on Earth today...

1. Dogs have lived with humans for at least 14,000 years.

...the first dogs are believed to be self-domesticated wolves, first attracted to early sites of human habitation...
The first identifiable dog breed dates from about 9,000 BC. It was probably a type of Greyhound dog used for hunting.

2. Dogs have been revered throughout history.
When a pet dog died in ancient Egypt, the owners...would have their dog mummified...Owners would also shave off their eyebrows as a sign of extreme grief...
Mayans kept dogs as pets...Dogs were said to conduct the souls of the dead across a watery expanse called Xibalba. When the soul arrived in this netherworld, a dog helped guide the deceased through challenges set out by the lords of Xibalba in order to reach paradise.

3. A dog’s face may determine its lifespan.
Dog breeds with sharp, pointed faces typically live longer on average than dogs with very flat faces, such as bulldogs & pugs. The breeding done to make a dog’s face flatter can lead to various health issues, including skin, eye & breathing problems as well as a poor ability to tolerate heat. The longer a dog’s nose is, the more effective it is for internal cooling.

4. Certain human foods can be toxic for dogs.
...many human foods should be avoided for dogs. system... chocolate, avocados, alcohol & anything with caffeine can be fatal for a dog.

5. Dogs have 10,000 to 100,000 times better smell than humans.
...Some dogs have been reported to smell dead bodies under water & natural gas deposits under 40 feet of dirt. They can even smell cancer in humans.

6. Dogs can read your mind.
...dogs are excellent at reading your body language...

7. Dogs can be as smart as a toddler.
Research out of the University of British Columbia has found the intelligence of dogs can rival a human child of 2 to 2.5 years of age. Dogs can understand 150 to 200 words, count up to 4 or 5, & intentionally deceive humans and other dogs to get treats.

8. Dogs can help you with your love life (if you’re a guy).
A 2015 study found that women were more than twice as likely as men to say they were attracted to someone because he had a pet, especially a dog...

9. Touch is the first sense a puppy develops.
When a puppy is born, the first thing their mother does is clean them. This touches all the nerve endings in the puppy’s body & gets the blood flowing. From these tender beginnings, touch becomes part of socialization for dogs that promotes bonds between friends & family members...
10. Dogs only sweat through their paws.
...dogs only have sweat glands in between their foot pads. Dogs rely primarily on panting with their mouths open instead of sweating to cool themselves. Moisture on their tongues evaporates & cools their overall body temperature...”

Zoe Blarowski
Feb. 18, 2017

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Weekly Chuckle

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

July 12/2017

Fun Facts About Birds

“...1. Birds have hollow bones.
Hollow bones can lighten a bird’s weight to make flying easier...bird bones have greater bone density than mammal bones, which makes them tougher. They also often have a twisted or curved shape for increased strength when pushed during flight.

2. Some birds can fly higher than Mount Everest.
The Ruppell’s griffon vulture flies the highest of any bird on record. It can reach altitudes of 36,000 feet...Bar-headed over the Himalaya mountains as part of their annual migrations & have been found at heights over 21,000 feet.

3. Crocodiles are the closest living relatives of birds.
Both birds & crocodiles evolved from the same group of reptiles that first appeared over 200 million years ago. These reptiles went on to become the dinosaurs...

4. Birds don’t pee.
...birds don’t have bladders. Instead of producing & storing urine, birds produce a white, pasty substance that’s excreted with their poop. That’s why you’ll often see bird droppings that have black & white streaks mixed together.

5. Birds communicate using sound & color.
Parrots... use their body posture & colorful feathers to relay information...Their ability to mimic human words is also famous...

6. The largest bird in the world is the ostrich.
Male ostriches can get up to 9 ft...tall & weigh up to 350 lbs... They also have the largest eyes compared to any other land animals. An ostrich’s eyes are even larger than its brain.

7. Baby birds are either precocial or altricial.
Precocial bird chicks, meaning ‘ripened beforehand’, can get up & run very soon after birth... Altricial chicks... hatch blind, naked & helpless, such as robins, blue jays & eagles. The hatchlings must wait in their nests & rely completely on their parents for food & protection.

8. Birds don’t always come in flocks.
...A group of crows is called a murder, congress or horde. Finches come in charms, penguins in huddles & geese in gaggles. The most creative may be a pandemonium of parrots or a flamboyance of flamingos.

9. Most bird species are monogamous.
To birds, monogamy might mean staying exclusively with one partner for the duration of a mating season, then parting ways & finding different mates the next year. But some birds commit for life. For instance, a flamingo pair can stay together for over 50 years.

10. Some birds can sleep in the air.
The sooty tern is known for taking 1-2 second naps while flying. This allows the tern to stay in the air for extended periods. It lives over tropical waters...but it can’t land on the water because its feathers are not water-repellent. Sooty terns spend the majority of their lives in the air, only touching down occasionally to nest & raise their young.

11. Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards & sideways.
...Hummingbirds stroke their wings forwards & backwards, which gives them their distinctive agility in the air. Hummingbirds also have the smallest eggs of any birds...

12. Some birds are poisonous.

Pitohuis are a common type of bird in New Guinea, & they’re the only known type of poisonous birds in the world. At least 3 species of pitohui have a neurotoxic poison in their skin & feathers. Researchers believe the birds don’t produce the poison themselves, it comes from a toxin-producing beetle in their diet.”

Zoe Blarowski
January 25/2017

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Weekly Chuckle
Annabelle (July 16/2001)
My brave little girl was such a good sport on the long train trip from Halifax to Montreal. I was so very proud of her. Adrian & I loved her very much & always will. RIP sweet little one.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

July 5/2017

Tourists Aren’t the Only Ones Who Love Machu Picchu. Rare Andean Bears Do, Too
“Machu Picchu might be a culturally & historically valuable site that’s a popular destination for tourists, but researchers have found it’s also home to many rare Andean bears.

Andean bears, who are also known as spectacled bears because of coloring around their eyes, are the only bear species native to South America, who can be found in the Andes mountain range from Venezuela to Bolivia.

They are currently listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, just one step away from Endangered....

Now a recent survey has confirmed that a popular & historic site in Peru is providing vital habitat for them.

A team of researchers & park officials conducting a year-long survey, which was led by the Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado (SERNANP) & the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, found the presence of Andean bears in more than 95% of the 368-square-kilometer study area, which includes the famous Incan ruins of Machu Picchu – now one of the most visited places in South America.

‘It is amazing that this world famous location is also important habitat for Andean bears,’ said Dr. Isaac Goldstein, Coordinator of WCS’s Andean Bear Program. “The results of the survey will help us to understand the needs of this species & how to manage Andean bears in this location.”

According to WCS, these bears aren’t just an isolated population, but are part of a much larger population that is connected by high-elevation grasslands. It’s hoped that by developing a better understanding of how they’re connected, those corridors will be protected to ensure they can reach each other.

It’s also hoped that more knowledge about these bears will help lead to management practices that will ensure their survival within the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, which is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in addition to other areas where they’re found.”

Alicia Graef
January 31/2017

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