Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November 25/2014

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner


Sea Turtles Create Natural Spectacle in Baja

           “LOS CABOS, MEXICO- Far from the bikini-lined beaches & booze-fuelled bars of Cabo San Lucas, I lie elbow deep on the sand of some remote Mexican dunes waiting for the sun to near the horizon, a growing nursery of baby turtles squirming beside me.

                  It’s September, the hottest & most humid month of the year on the tip of the Baja Peninsula… 

        August is the start of turtle-hatching season on the Baja, & for the next 5 months… tourists won’t be the only things crawling along the sandy beaches of the Pacific & the Sea of Cortez.

           5 species of sea turtle nest on the peninsula, some crossing the ocean from as far away as Japan to return to their breeding grounds: Olive Ridley, green, loggerhead, leatherback, & hawksbill turtles.

           There are only 7 species of sea turtles total, & 6 of them are considered endangered, the most endangered being leatherbacks, the prehistoric behemoths that can weigh more than 450 kilograms…

           In the penned nursery, turtle eggs collected by biologists earlier in the year had been reburied, each in a nest ringed with netting to keep the hatchlings from making a solo escape.    

           …the others in our…group were shown how to dig down into hatching nests & gently help the turtles into the fading light of day.

           ‘When I pulled the first turtle out of the nest & brushed the sand off its shell, I thought nothing about the evening would top that. I was wrong. Apparently, my nest was like the motherlode- over the next 20 to 30 minutes I dug handfuls of turtles out of the sand.’… 

               The group, directed by biologists, then took the turtles from the nursery close to the water line, where they were put on the sand to make their way- under watch- to the ocean.

               ‘The waves on that coast are huge, & as soon as the turtles got wet it was as if some primal instinct kicked them into overdrive & they started racing toward the ocean, fearless, & ready for whatever was in front of them,’… 

           The odds of survival are one in a thousand for every egg laid, but those odds are improving thanks in part to conservation efforts that began more than a decade ago with local fishermen…

           Sea turtles spend their lives in the ocean, with the exception of females that come ashore to lay eggs every 2 to 5 years.

           Tour companies offering turtle tours say the industry provides an alternative to fishing, & support conservation.” 

Dene Moore
The Montreal Gazette
Nov. 2/2013


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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 19/2014

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner    


From Hackney To Husky In Norway

           “An airport in Norway is putting the cart before the hackney cab with the addition of a ‘dog taxi’…The sled, which harnesses 8 Alaskan huskies to whisk passengers on the 45-minute journey from Kirkenes Airport to the Kirenes Snow Hotel, is the first of its kind in the country… Ronny Ostrem, the hotel’s chief executive & promoter of the scheme…said it was a resounding success’…We met 100 reindeer on the way back as we were driving south… It really good felt to get started’. Ostrem hopes to make the canine cab a permanent feature…the trip is expected to set riders back 2,300 krone ($400).”

The Montreal Gazette
Feb. 8/2014
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 12/2014

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner  

How 2 Canadian Cities Are Keeping An Eye On Cats

           “When it comes to putting the collar on bird-killing cats, no Canadian city does it better than Calgary.

           Since 2006, when the city adopted a Responsible Pet Ownership bylaw, cat owners must ensure their animals are licensed & that they remain on the owner’s property.

           Fines for owners of cats caught at large are $100 when licensed, $250 when not.

           According to Tara Lowes, manager of Calgary’s animal shelter service, bylaw enforcement officers brought in only a handful of the 1,093 cats at large who were captured in 2012.

           …about 50 % of the captured cats are returned to owners, once the fines are paid. Stray, feral, or unclaimed cats who are friendly with people are spayed or neutered, then put up for adoption…

           She credited the bylaw with helping to control the city’s once-abundant stray cat population…

           We’ve definitely seen benefits,’ said Lowes. “We get a chance to educate cat owners…

           Montreal is taking several measures of its own when it comes to errant cats.

           For starters, the city announced plans in late 2011 to build a municipal animal control shelter that will house, among others, the 20,000 cats who are currently picked up &/or abandoned in the city each year.

           ‘Like many big urban centres, Montreal is dealing with an overpopulation of animals,’ said city spokesperson Valerie DeGagne.

           She added that the facility, which is scheduled to open in 2016, will house veterinary, adoption, & education services to promote & carry out cat spaying & neutering, adoption, & licensing.

           The city also introduced a cat licensing bylaw in 2011, becoming the first in Quebec to pass such a measure.

           Unlike Calgary, however, the bylaw does not make the purchase of a cat license mandatory.

           DeGagne says 10 of the city’s 19 boroughs have adopted it. Licenses vary between being free of charge & costing up to $15.”

Mark Cardwell
The Montreal Gazette
Dec. 7/2013
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 5/2014

(E.B.W.) Critter Corner 



No Ruffin’ It At Pet Palace

           “Fanny is done ruffin’ it.

           …She’s my hiking pal, the golden retriever with the big swishy tail, soft brown eyes, & floppy ears. She bounded in the other day with that, ‘I need a vacation’ look…

           The latest dish at the dog park is all about L’Hotel Balto & its Salon de Beaute, a 5-star establishment in Vaudreuil-Dorion with overnight rooms & suites, a boutique, daycare, & a grooming care.

           This is a top- dog place. It offers limo service in a Cadillac Escalade…Pet guests who request early check-in or late checkout can relax in VIP lounges with leather sofas & comfy plaid throws. And there are 27 well-appointed spaces for dogs & 12 for cats. Assistant manager Briana Berman runs the front desk…

           All of the canine guests have heated floors & small, medium, or large 4-poster wrought iron beds with Hotel Balto’s insignia on the headboard. Each chamber has an armoire for personal effects & a flat-screen television…Plus, there is maid service several times a day, fresh sheets when required & frequent exercise in the fenced-in-yard…Pet-owners bring their own food. 

           The bow- wow factor here is that all rooms have cameras so that Berman can monitor the goings-on constantly. And Balto supplies pet owners with Milestone software with which they can access the real-time images, too, even if they are traveling internationally.

           Fanny sniffed around the hotel &, go figure, she chose the Royal Dog Suite on the penthouse floor…which is extra large with lots of window exposure.

           Then Berman set up appointments for Fanny’s hair & nails with…Balto’s expert groomer & stylist. The Salon de Beaute is equipped with all the essentials- hair dryers, nail polish, & ribbons for that girlie look…

           Balto is not only about dogs.

           The cats vacation in a separate section. 3 suites for felines have televisions & 7-foot climbing posts, & large spaces for multiple cats from the same family.

           There also is a cattery, with smaller cages, toy mice, a 2-metre climbing post & radio as entertainment…

           Hotel Balto is owned by Diane Levesque, who is wild about animals & also happens to work in construction & real estate…The accommodations have windows, & floors of riverstone, marble or tile, wrought iron gates, & little crystal chandeliers hanging from 7-foot ceilings. Many have windows.

           Hotel Balto also shelters animals available for adoption. When Fanny & I visited, we met Poupette the Dachshund & Zach & Zoe, brother & sister Schnauzers. Levesque also fosters about 30 dogs at her ranch.”

Rochelle Lash
Montreal Gazette
Oct. 12/2013

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